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      The Parish Magazine on line  September 2004
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Ouse News is published by Felmersham Parochial Church Council and Sponsored by Chesham Insurance Brokers

To Be A Pilgrim - Rev David G Mason
This is a time of the year when travel is on much of our minds. By the time this is published many of you will have returned from holidays, many of you will have travelled far. John Bunyan lived worked and preached in this part of the world, and he is chiefly remembered for his book, `A Pilgrim's Progress'. It is a book worth reading, even so long after' it was written. The Book describes the journey of Christian as he travels on his journey through life seeking the Promised Land. It is an allegory of the Christian life, depicting life as a journey in which there are successes and failures, temptations some of which are resisted and some succumbed to, a journey in which Christian reaches the Promised Land. At this time of the world when so many people travel with varying degrees of difficulty we are reminded of Bunyan's great story.
This is also a time of year when many people face changes in their lives. It is the time for starting school or a new school, a new class, going to college or university. For many it is also the time when the fruits of their labours become known, a time for receiving important examination results. It is a time for recognizing that the journey through life continues, even though its direction may change in unexpected and sometimes unwanted ways. It is important, particularly for those whose life journey takes an unwanted and unexpected turn not to lose heart, but to meet the new challenges with determination and hope. Often it is only in retrospect that we can see and understand that what seemed a disaster at the time is in fact giving that life a change in direction with a very positive outcome. Keep before you the example of Christian in `A Pilgrim's Progress' who from time to time met disasters on the journey, but through faith completed the journey successfully.

Bishop of St Albans Harvest for the Hungry Appeal.
This year the Harvest appeal is in support of St Francis Hospital in rural Zambia, and other international vital development work. The Hospital is working to educate and raise awareness to stop the spread of AIDS as well as providing care and treatment to those who are infected. The appeal will also be supporting the work of Christian Aid and the World Development Movement.

Harvest Festival - Rev David Mason
This year the Archdeacon of Bedford will be preaching at our morning service on Td October, which I hope will be very well supported.
In the evening will be holding a service of praise and thanks for the harvest, after which the produce will be converted cash in the usual way. The proceeds will be donated to the Bishop's Harvest for the Hungry Appeal.

Traidcraft - Rev David Mason
At the October Coffee Morning a local representative of Traidcraft will be bringing a selection of the goods they have for sale. The aim of the Traidcraft organisation is to fight poverty through trade by selling fairly traded products, building better businesses, raising funds and awareness, and by developing social accounts. As well as items to sell the representative will have information about Traidcraft and its work.

Historic Churches Trust Sponsored Cycle Ride - Stephen Hill
The annual sponsored cycle ride and walk organised by Beds and Herts Historic Churches Trust takes place on 11 th September. Cyclists choose their own route visiting local churches, so you can make the ride as long or as short as you like. Sponsorship proceeds are divided equally between the Trust and the church of the rider's choice. This is an opportunity to exercise yourself and your bike while contributing to St Mary's restoration fund. Contact me on 781064 if you would like a sponsorship form or for further details, or if you would like to man the checkpoint at St Mary's for an hour to sign through visiting cyclists.

Coffee Morning - Jane Wells The Coffee Morning for September in aid of the Church Heating Fund will be held at the home of Ruth Coxon on Saturday 4th September at 10.30am. If it is inclement weather the coffee morning will be held instead at Riverside House. Home made cakes, toiletries, produce and bric-a-brac for the bring and buy stall will be greatly appreciated. All are welcome ,
The October Coffee Morning will be on Saturday 2nd October at a venue to be announced at the September coffee morning.

What future rural Bedfordshire?
Bedfordshire Rural Affairs Forum (BRAF) is holding its first county conference on 5 October 2004 at Shuttleworth College. This free one-day event will be an opportunity for you to debate the key challenges facing rural Bedfordshire, influence the rural policy agenda, and meet grant funders and service providers. The conference will be of interest to parish councils, community groups, the voluntary sector, local authorities, service providers, businesses, and anyone working or living in rural Bedfordshire who wants to see our rural areas prosper. For more information or to request a registration form, please contact Jane Markham, BRAF Coordinator on 01525 878149 or email lanem _bedsrcc.orq.uk.

NSPCC - Gillian Rose
The local branch of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children would welcome help and support from the people of Felmersham and Radwell. If you feel able to help in any way to raise funds please contact me on 218024.

Afternoon Club - Celia Hulatt
As part of the new village initiative it is proposed to start an over-60s afternoon club in October. At the moment the organisers are considering holding meetings in the village hall committee room on the second Thursday of each month from 3pm to 5pm. There will be transport available if required.
Any other suggestions will be welcomed. Anyone -interested in the scheme should contact me on 781082 or Jo Morris on 781430

Vaccine Clinics Sharnbrook Surgery
For those patients registered with Sharnbrook Surgery the following vaccinations will be available during the week of 4tn-8tn October from 2pm to 3pm
Flu for those aged 65 years and over, and those 'at risk' Pneumonia for those aged 55 years and over, and those'at risk' No appointment is needed.

Tastes of Bedfordshire Recipe Competition
Can you create a new Bedfordshire speciality? You may have heard of a "Bedfordshire clanger" -a traditional Bedfordshire pasty with pork at one end and jam or apple at the other. A new competition is currently searching for some great new recipes. These can be variations on the traditional or completely new creations. Recipes should feature as many Bedfordshire produced ingredients as possible - and we don't just produce Brussels sprouts! Foods from Bedfordshire include: buffalo mozzarella cheese, Bromham Mill flour and Stagsden free -range turkeys, (More listed at www.bigbarn.co.uk or in the Tastes of Beds Directory for a copy call 01234 228739)
If you have a story behind the recipe - such as a bit of Bedfordshire history or a family tale - then even better. For an entry form and further details of the competition and fabulous prizes then e-mail antCcDbigbarn.co.uk or phone 01234 871005. Deadline for entries is the 6th November 2004

Does your Group need Transport?

Sue Keen Bedfordshire Community Transport Brokerage is a partnership between groups or organisations owning minibuses and groups who need transport. The Brokerage ensures that safe, legal, accessible and, importantly, more affordable minibuses are widely available to benefit the whole community. If groups or organisations would like to benefit from this initiative or perhaps just want more information, please get in touch. Please contact Beni Wright at: Beds Rural Communities Charity on 01234 838 771 ext 106

Parish Plan Update - Carol Stork
On the 11th August, the Parish Plan Steering Committee met to review progress to-date and a draft action plan for the coming months. Look out for a summary of all the consultation undertaken so far in a future issue of the Ouse News, together with further ideas on how you can get involved and make your feelings known. Your responses will inform the compilation of a comprehensive questionnaire, which will be circulated to all parish households in early 2005.

Sheltering from the "summer rain" at the Parish Plan stall at the Village Fair in July, many parishioners took the opportunity to jot down their views and post them in the suggestion box. Using the 5 Parish Plan headings, their comments are summarised as follows:

Social and Community
• Somewhere for older children to gather
• Get teenagers involved in and responsible for their environment
• That the cricket field be a place for a new village hall and playing field

• New road sign for Marriott's Close
• Ensure that Village Hall/School Heads of Agreement are adhered to for the benefit of all villagers
• Recycling centre - especially bottles
• Graffiti removal

• Support activities and amenities, such as the pubs, in both villages • Keep the pubs in both villages Land and Environment
• Invest in turning the Felmersham village green into something that we can all be proud of .
• Christmas lights to be placed in village green trees and/or church trees
  (This idea was also supported by the WI at their meeting in July.) Marjorie Pipe will proposed the idea to the Parish

• Enlarge playing field facilities for youngsters
• Provide proper sports field and cricket pitch around village hall/school.
• New goal posts on the playing field
Please contact any Committee member (details on the village website) for further information or with any queries on the Parish Plan Project.

Save the Children Fund - Jacky Phipps
Yes, it's that time of year again. During September, a Save the Children Christmas catalogue will be dropping through your letterbox and I am intending to have another 'open house' on 16th and 17th October for the sale of cards and gifts. More details will appear in the next issue.
Even if you aren't able to come to the open weekend, you can order through me at any time between now and the end of November and save postage. Just let me have your order form, a cheque and your phone number and I will contact you as soon as the goods arrive. Support from the village was very generous last year - the Branch's Christmas trading raised over £4,000, a significant proportion of which came from Felmersham - and I hope that we can raise even more this year for this excellent cause.

Felmersham Yoga Club - Hilary Foot Unfortunately, there will be NO Autumn sessions this year, due to the short notice unavailability of our instructor.
I am sorry to disappoint you, but we hope to resume classes in March 2005 and look forward to seeing you all then.
Pinchmill Pre-School Portacabin Appeal Christine Callaghan Thanks to the sterling work of our volunteers the building work is progressing rapidly and we are very hopeful that the premises will be `habitable' by December or shortly thereafter. We have had a further successful grant application securing £5000 from the Lottery Awards for All which means we have now raised 75% of the total costs through grants, fundraising and in kind donations.
The project is now really gaining momentum and I would like to thank everyone who has donated money or been involved with the building work so far for their kind generosity. Having our own dedicated building will undoubtedly enhance the education of the local children for many years to come and secure the future of the pre-school.
We do still need help, so if you are able to help by donating building materials, money or professional labour please contact me on 781173.

Felmersham Quilters - Janet Cook Something new! If you thought patchwork was hexagons of old dress fabrics, let me show you it's notl Come and immerse yourself in colour, pattern, tea, coffee, biscuits and history while we set up this new village group on Thursday 22 September at 8 pm in the Village Hall.
Everything you need to get you started will be available at this first meeting. Topics for discussion will include the name of the group and the best time to hold its meetings. You'll get tuition free from a twice National Champion! And it's not competitive like the sunflower challenge! (Do I detect sour grapes because my sunflowers peaked too late? Peak is the right word - the Civil Aviation Authority is getting worried about the danger to aircraft.)
16:30 10/09/2004
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Ouse News is published by St Mary's PCC
 Ouse News will print anything of interest to the community not just reports of past village activities or reminders of forthcoming ones. Feedback on any of the items published would be most welcome – whether for printing or not.
Items for next month's Ouse News should be sent to the editor: Clive Just, 2 The Old Rectory by the 25th of the month. It would help if items were emailed to OuseNews@bigfoot.com; sent on disk; or typed. Phone 781967 for more details. Online version of Ouse News additionally edited by the webmaster.