Ouse News
The Parish Magazine
September 2002
Ouse News is published by Felmersham Parochial Church Council and Sponsored by Chesham Insurance Brokers

Thought for the Month - Rev David Mason
I am writing this just after what is believed to be the bodies of the missing school girls from Soham have been discovered. Over the last two weeks we have heard and seen much about the search for the girls, their smiling faces have featured in the press and the television. Prayers have been offered for their safe return, hopes have been raised and then dashed, and we have all, I am sure, been touched by the grief and the loss of that community. Our prayers and our thoughts are with that community, and particularly the parents and relatives at this time. 

We must wonder what sort of society we are living in, when, in spite of the advances in education, community and general affluence this sort of tragedy occurs. Young life, with such promise extinguished in a violent, and seemingly senseless act. Even if those who committed the crime are caught and dealt with the question will remain, `why did it happen?’ Dreadful crimes such as this have been recorded through the centuries, but in a civilised and affluent society surely we should be able to do better. It seems that children have become more vulnerable today. We dare not let our children do the things that we used to do, apparently with impunity. Our children can no longer be allowed to walk through the countryside unaccompanied by a responsible adult, we have to screen all those who offer to support or care for our children. We may well wonder if this situation reflects an unhealthy society. I am sure that we must look again at the factors which are influencing the behaviour of many members of society so adversely. Perhaps this is the price we have to pray for having such a permissive society, in which case we must consider whether it is a price worth paying. 

Jesus gave us a code for living summed up in the Great Commandments to love God and our neighbour as ourself. We live in a world where evil is all around us, we need the strength and support of such a code to help us to meet and defeat that evil, and to make our society one in which children can live and play in safety.

Harvest Festival - Rev David Mason
This year the harvest festival will be held on 6 October, and I hope that you will all support it as in previous years. The proceeds of the Festival will once again be sent to the Bishop of St Aibans Harvest for the Hungry Appeal which this year will be devoted to supporting the work of St Francis Hospital, Zambia.

Keech Cottage Children's Hospice -
Mark & Becky Tobutt

We are so sorry it has taken this long for us to say a big “Thank You” to everybody who made very kind donations to Keech Cottage Children’s Hospice following our leaflet drop. Our lives have been very busy recently with Fleur suffering several episodes of ill health and many hospital visits.

Just in case anybody is interested we have just been filmed over the last 6 months for ITV who are making a documentary about Fleur and her condition. This programme should go out sometime in the Autumn and we let you know the date nearer the time. For anyone interested the Hospice now run a weekly lottery. For details either contact the Hospice direct or we have a number of leaflets - contact me at marktobutt@supanet.com or on 781544. Once again thank you for your kind support we really appreciate it.

Creche/Sunday School - Rev David Mason

We are hoping to start a Creche/Sunday School in the village at the end of September. This will take place during the time of morning services, and will finish in time for the children to join their parents in church for the Communion. Anyone who would like to bring children or to help is asked to contact Vicky Raymer or the Vicar.

Coffee Morning - Jane Wells
The next two Coffee Mornings in aid of the Church Restoration Fund will be: September 14th
: Michael and Caroline Jefferson, The Old Stables,
October 5th: Paul and Mary Freeman, Meadowbank,
The start time is 1030am and contributions of home made cakes, bric-a-brac etc. for the bring and buy stall will be most gratefully received. All welcome

Tiny Tots - Richard Artus
Thank goodness for Tiny Tots!!! Mums and tots (0-3) group starts again every Tuesday from 12th September between 2-3.30pm in the pre-school room at Pinchmill Hall! Fathers, grandparents and carers all welcome as well as mums. For further info contact Jo (782139) or Lisa (783070).


Beetle Drive
All are invited to a Beetle Drive with a difference in aid of Emmaus Village, Carlton. This will be held on Saturday 28 September at 7.00 pm in Sharnbrook Village Hall, Lodge Road. Tickets are £6 for adults, £4 for children, and the price includes a ploughman’s supper. There will also be a bar. Tickets obtainable from
Sue Whiting (782654) or Margaret Anderson (782413)

A Word of Thanks -  Peter and Candace Rankin
We would like to warmly thank all those friends in the village who gave us so much support over the past few months whilst awaiting Peter’s heart by-pass surgery. The words of encouragement and many lovely cards helped see us through a very difficult period. We are hoping for a period of clear sailing now that he has had the surgery and completed his first month of recovery. The word community” means a great deal to us and we feel most fortunate that Felmersham is our community.

Sunflower Competition Results - Candace Rankin
Despite the languid heat on the day, there was a frisson of excitement in the village on 18 August as entrants in the Sunflower Competition met at Adina for the final judgement. A total of 10 entrants and 7 respective supporters gathered to hear The Right Honourable Judge Marjorie Pipe (too hot for a powdered wig or Dolly) deliver the following verdict:
Third: Katy, 146 cm tall
Second: Ken, 173 cm tall
First: Lorraine, 189 cm tall
Mr Congeniality, Dick
(“I’d walk a million miles for one of your smiles”)
Consolation, Anna
(last year’s winner., how the mighty have fallen!) 

Preceding the judging was much hilarity as the various specimens arrived. Councillor and Mrs Hulatt rather presumptuously turned up with a blue ribbon neatly tied around their sunflower. Anna’s sunflower arrived tucked inside a black box engraved RIP. Mr Alan Stevens explained that his original entrant, now deceased, had to be represented by a younger family member (28cm) appointed by the executor for the original sunflower. 

Previous to the judgement hour, Anna spent the final hours of her reign helping Mr Rankin make home-made doughnuts and planting 18 teddy bears around the garden in preparation for ‘The Great Escape Teddy Bear Treasure Hunt” organised for the younger participants. 

Making a dramatically late entrance were Mr and Ms Shrimpton. Ken explained that Lorraine had needed some extra time preparing her makeup. Cameras clicked wildly when Anna graciously passed on the baton of sunflower supremacy to Ms Shrimpton. In a tearful acceptance speech she claimed that the challenge over the summer had been great. Apparently the neck and neck race for tallest sunflower had put a strain on the marriage and required intervention from Relate. But thankfully they had rallied together in mutual support once again when only two weeks ago they bravely faced together a frightening ransom note stating ‘Pay up or the sunflower gets it.”

All present celebrated the close of this annual event by scoffing cakes and cold drinks. Rebecca was given a prize for youngest entrant, and her brother, Fraser, a prize for keenest young gardener. He has already put forth ideas for next year’s competition - we hope others will be inspired to join.

Finally, in closing, it is rumoured that Ms Shrimpton and her consort have been handed a several million pound endorsement cheque from Miracle-Gro. Indications are that they have already bought an estate next door to Beckingham Palace. We hear Ken is writing a new book entitled Posh and Beck; Their History. Lorraine has supposedly been sighted shopping with Posh at Harvey Nichols, both London and Leeds stores. They are now known by their new neighbours as LolIy and Shrimps. Clearly, from small seeds do great things grow 

Exhibition of Art   - Caroline Scott

There will be an exhibition of Mel Scott’s paintings at Rose Cottage, on Friday 11th October from 5 8pm and Saturday 12th October from 11am - 5pm. Please drop in.

Felmersham Yoga Club - Hilary Foot

A reminder that our Autumn yoga classes begin at Pinchmill Village Hall on Monday, 2nd September, from 7.30 to 8.30 pm. There will be seven sessions in this series. All ranges of ability are welcome, from beginner onwards. Please bring a yoga mat, blanket or large towel with you. Even if you can’t make the first session, we will be pleased to see you for some or all of the others. Any questions to Hilary Foot on 781340.

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Top of page    Page last updated: 02/01/03      Ouse News is published by St Mary's PCC

Ouse News will print anything of interest to the community not just reports of past village activities or reminders of forthcoming ones. Feedback on any of the items published would be most welcome – whether for printing or not.
Items for next month's Ouse News should be sent to the editor: Clive Just, 2 The Old Rectory by the 25th of the month. It would help if items were emailed to OuseNews@bigfoot.com; sent on disk; or typed. Phone 781967 for more details.