Ouse News
      The Parish Magazine  October 2003
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Ouse News is published by Felmersham Parochial Church Council and Sponsored by Chesham Insurance Brokers

An encouraging word - Chris Ure
When babies are born, there is often much debate within the family concerning the naming of the new child. Sometimes there is rivalry for the child to carry the name of a relative or perhaps a cherished family name. And sometimes, the baby is given one name but in later years, it is adapted or changed to reflect the child's own personality.
Such was the case with Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus who became a faithful companion to the Apostle Paul. The new name given to Joseph was Barnabas, which quite literally means 'Son of Encouragement'.
Barnabas was a true friend to Paul. It was Barnabas who appealed on his behalf, when the disciples were afraid to let Paul join them. It was Barnabas who sought out Paul in Tarsus and took him to Antioch, where the new believers were for the very first time called Christians.
It was Barnabas who supported and encouraged Paul and no better friend could have joined him for his momentous journeys to preach and teach and spread the Word of God to the Jews and Gentiles.
In this modern world of independence and self-sufficiency, an act of encouragement can sometimes be interpreted as patronising or condescending. And yet it is worth remembering that God was able to use Barnabas's gift of encouragement in a most remarkable way.
At one time or another, many of us may regret not having expressed a word of love or thanks to someone before it was too late. All the more reason perhaps, why we should now follow the example of Barnabas and live our lives giving encouragement to others.

Coffee Morning - Jane Wells

Next month's coffee morning will be held at Brian and Blanches home on Saturday 1 November at 10.30am. Home made cakes, toiletries, produce and bric-a-brac for the bring and buy stall will be greatly appreciated. All welcome

Courtyard Sale - Lisa Parrish
Pinchmill Pre-School is holding a sale in aid of the Pre-School Portacabin Appeal. The sale will take place on Saturday 11 October between 11am to 1 pm in the Courtyard at The Old Stables, Grange Road, Felmersham by kind permission of Michael and Caroline Jefferson. We will be selling good quality clothes, bric-a-brac, toys, books, costume jewellery, kitchenware, bicycles, home produce, and other general household items.
Coffee and biscuits will be available. Any items delivered beforehand will be most welcome, and can be given to a committee member - or delivered to The Old Stables the day before. Please come and support us - and the Xmas card sale in aid of Save the Children Fund just across the road at East Grange. For further information about the courtyard sale please call Lisa Parrish on 783070

Pre-School Portacabin Appeal - October Update
Christine Callaghan Just to put your minds at rest - the dark green portacabin in the school playing field does not belong to the Pre-School (regrettably.). This has been provided by the County Council to accommodate the influx of new pupils in September at Pinchmill Lower School. However we do have some good news to report. We received a total of £2,600 in donations from our Door-to-Door Appeal from Felmersham, Radwell and Pavenham. This has been a huge boost to our fundraising and once again we would like to warmly thank everyone for this huge show of support. We would also like to thank the W1 who have kindly donated £30 from their stall at the Village Fete. The foundations for the new Pre-School building have been laid by parent volunteers over the summer holidays with help from Hansons plc who donated the concrete. We are now awaiting arrival of the Portacabin which is due to arrive this month.

Save the Children Fund - Andrew Evans

Could I thank all the people from the village who attended the Quiz night on 26 September at Sharnbrook. I think that all there had an enjoyable evening due in no small part to Maggie and Chris Spoor who had obviously spent an enormous amount of time in researching the questions. They were ably assisted by Ann Smith as marker and I would wish to publicly thank them again for their efforts and time. We raised the sum of £366 which will all go to the work of Save the Children Fund in this country and throughout the world. Jacky Phipps will be running her Christmas Goods sale at her house on the 11th and 12th October in aid of the charity and all houses in the village of Felmersham will have received a catalogue - more details from her on 781789.

St Andrew's School Old Girls' Association - P Kinselley
We have an Old Girls' Association and if you wish to join it, please send me a stamped addressed envelope together with a cheque for £5. My address is: Mrs P E Kinselley, Secretary St Andrew's School OGA, 4 Stancliffe Road, Bedford, MK41 9AN. We have just had a Reunion at the School and aim to have these every 3 years when approximately 100 Old Girls attend.

P3 Group - Chris Ure
Having completed four years as the P3 Co-ordinator for Felmersham and Radwell, I will be handing over the reins to Carol Stork on 1st October 2003. Carol is a member of the local group and was responsible for organising and installing the recent reprint of the maps for each of the map boards in Felmersham and Radwell. She lives at Beacon Cottage, Church End, Felmersham and can be contacted on 782769.
The next meeting of the P3 Group will be on Thursday 23rd October at The Old Plough at 7.45 p.m. and as always; new members are most welcome.
I have very much enjoyed contributing to the work of P3 since 1999 and I thank the members of the local P3 group, past and present, for all that has been achieved over the past 4 years. I will be remaining a member of the local group.

WI -  May Mills
It may be true that 'ladies of a certain age' form the backbone of the Women's Institute, but not many of us knew quite what to expect from a Magic Lantern Show! Would we see what the butler saw? We sat in anticipation as Alex Foster remembered seeing his first Lantern Show during the early 1940's in Bolnhurst Mission Hall when there was no electricity. His slides and lantern date from the late Victorian period, although some slides are 1850, and were obtained from a member of the Temperance Movement. This did not bode well for `butler' enthusiasts, but the hand-painted, vibrantly coloured illustrations from 'The Pilgrim's Progress' held our attention! Expectations rose when popular Victorian comic-strip slides and comic duo-slides appeared, the funniest of which was a clever ruse to catch out a husband arriving home late from the pub. A ripple of excitement could be felt as Mr Foster brought out the 'moving' slides i.e. one fixed slide with a slipping slide for movement, but we had to be content with the spanking of a naughty boy! What the butler saw remains a mystery. 'Calendar Girls' here we come!
Did you know that it is now de rigueur to become a member of the W.I.? The Sunday Times revealed that young professional women are abandoning the rat race and seeking solace in our organisation. Welcome and enjoy!

News from the Park - Fun Days and New Displays - Lyndsey Bignell
We've had a very busy summer at Harrold - Odell Country Park with an excellent: programme of children's events including an Archaeology Fun Day.
Staying with archaeology, in October we will have new displays in the information room. Roman Archaeology and Archaeology in Bedfordshire are part of a series of displays which will be travelling around the county. We have both displays for the whole of October, including half term. There is an excellent panel on the Harrold area, so don't miss it!
For more information, or to receive details on future children's events please contact: Bill Thwaites, Countryside Ranger, 720016,  or Lyndsey Bignell on 01767 316358,

Poppy Appeal - Fred Turner
This year I am resigning for health reasons from my role as Honorary Organiser of the Poppy Appeal after more than fifty years of selling poppies and in later years as organiser for the villages of Felmersham and Radwell. A very dedicated team has supported me throughout the past years and I would like to thank them for this and hope that they will be able to continue to support the new organiser.
Geoff Hulatt has volunteered to take on the role. I am grateful to him for this and I know he will receive support from his wife Celia who has been selling poppies in Felmersham for many years.
Felmershain and Radwell's donations to the Poppy Appeal have always more than kept pace with inflation and I hope you will continue to support this deserving charity.

Remembrance Sunday - Geoffrey Hulatt There will be a short wreath laying service, conducted by Rev, David Mason, at the War Memorial at approximately 11.45 am on Sunday 9th November, immediately following the morning service.
If you wish to contribute towards the cost of the poppy wreath please contact me on Bedford 781082

Cheaper Heating Oil - Clive Just
Felmersham has an oil buying group which combines several small orders into one large order and therefore get a discount. Prices fluctuate wildly but the last purchase, skilfully negotiated by Danny Mariner, saved me over £20. If you live in Felmersham and you would like to join the group please send an email to OuseOil-subscribe@smartgroups.com Radwell has a similar group too. If you would like more information please email me or call me on 781967.

Save the Children Fund - Jacky Phipps
The sale will take place on October 11 and 12 (781789). I shall be distributing catalogues around the village in the very near future. Even if you aren't able to come to the open weekend, you can order through me at any time between now and the end of November and save the postal charges (increased this year). I was very grateful for your support last year and hope that we can raise even more this year for this excellent cause.

The Autumn Show - Maggie Spoor
The show was held in Pinchmill Hall on Sunday 7 September and attracted a good number of entries - 192 altogether, probably our best ever. There was a steady stream of visitors during the afternoon to view the prize winning entries and, hopefully, be inspired to take part next year! Very many thanks to everyone involved in the Show. The Show Plate this year was won by Mr T Longstaff of Radwell - many congratulations.

Broadband is Here - Clive Just
Just in case you haven't heard, in September BT upgraded the Sharnbrook exchange and high speed internet access is now available. An ADSL connection, which is roughly 10 times faster that a normal modem, is delivered to your house over the existing telephone wiring so an engineer doesn't need to visit. If you have any questions regarding ADSL or need help with installation try sending an email to felmersham@smartqroups.com - the interest group set up for residents of the parish and hopefully someone will be able to answer it.

Jesus Christ, Superstar - Rock opera by Andew Lloyd-Webber Friday 14th November to Saturday 22nd November, with a matinee on Saturday 22nd at 3pm. The opera chronicles the last seven days of the life of Jesus through the eyes of Judas Iscariot. There will be charity performance on the 14 for Souldrop Church and Sharnbrook House. Tickets: in person from The Village Trader, Sharnbrook; Central Box Office, Bedford (269519); The Castle, Wellingborough (01933 270007). For Party bookings please phone Alison Bean (781372)
Disabled Access Fund Superstar Draw Regular visitors to The Mill Theatre will appreciate that: You will need to climb up to 37 STEPS to reach your seat in the auditorium. These are 37 steps too far, for too many! It will cost some £65,000 to provide a Lift and Disabled Access facility, to allow EVERY member of the community to reach a seat in the theatre By buying a £5 book yourself, or even just a £1 ticket, you will ease the burden and help to install essential amenities. Please help us to lift our standards even higher and give yourself and your friends the chance of winning one of the 36 outstanding draw prizes which include. 1st £250 cash; 2nd Rushden & Diamonds Hospitality for two, 3rd £100 Fine Jewellery selection; 4th £100 Home furnishings; 5th £100 Landscape Services; 6th Northampton County Cricket Lunch & Hospitality; 7th Clay Target Shooting for Two.
Tickets are available from The Promoter Theo Gibbs, Stoney Cottage, Park Lane, Sharnbrook (782377) The Draw will take place on the last night of Jesus Christ, Superstar. Thank you and Good Luck!

Pinchmill School Extension Appeal Pinchmill School Association
In support of the School's Extension Appeal, Pinchmill School Association representing the parents, family and friends of the children at Pinchmill is beginning a dedicated year of fund-raising through special events. The school is at the heart of the community and there are many people in Felmersham, Radwell and Pavenham who have been involved with Pinchmill over the years. The targets of this Appeal are high and we therefore invite your support, in the wider community, to help make our fund-raising efforts as successful as possible.
All donations are welcome, whether in the form of raffle prizes,
Casino Royale Winter Ball
Saturday 8th November, 7.30 for 8.OOpm, Pavenharli Village Hall
Bond is back! Our first major fund-raising event of the year will be held in Pavenham Village Hall and for those of you who attended the Golden Jubilee Ball in 2002 this promises to be even more special. As well as welcoming back the fantastic live band the Rhythm Rascals we will be running a 'fun' casino with professional croupiers, licensed bar and all the usual Bond accoutrements... plus prizes for best Gambler and best Bond Girl. Dress: black tie (of course); tickets, priced £20, to include welcome cocktail and two course dinner. Tables seat 10 if you would like to make up a party. Tickets available from Reem Gardner (tel: 01234 824652) or Miranda Doggett (tel: 01234 782234).
Christmas Toy & Craft Fair
Friday 5th December, 3.30pm onwards, School Hall
It's a little early to be thinking about Christmas, but this annual event just gets better and better! This year we are extending the craft and gifts side, with plenty of opportunity to find Christmas decorations, wrapping, cards and presents for family and friends. We will also be offering tea and mince pies, a Christmas raffle, cake stall, lucky dip and a soft toy tombola for the children. Friends, neighbours and family are all welcome so come along and make this fun event a really good fund-raiser too.
Carol Singing
Tuesday 16th December, 5.30-7.OOpm, villages of Felmersham and Radwell
Calling all singers! The children of the school, their families and friends will be joining in a carol singing evening in Felmersham and Radwell in aid of the Pinchmill School Appeal. We will meet at the school for a quick rehearsal(!) at 5.15pm and enthusiastic singers (especially lower parts!) will be most welcome to swell the throng. Please bring torches or lanterns and dress up warmly. Past pupils also very welcome. Carol sheets provided.

Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity - Sue Keen
Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity (BRCC) is a registered charity "working to encourage thriving, diverse and sustainable rural communities in Bedfordshire". We offer a wide spectrum of services to help support, train and care for people living in rural areas throughout the county.
Drugs in a village environment - An information evening has been arranged for Inspector Mark Holbourn, Bedfordshire Police Drugs Co-ordinator, to explain all you need to know about drugs. This should be a very informative event with topics covered including: what the different types of drugs are; a chance to have a look at what they look like, what "litter" to look for around your village. Young people are very "drugs aware", it is important that adults also have an understanding of what is out there. Come along to The Old School, Cardington on Thursday 9'h October from 7.30pm - 9.OOpm. Places are very limited, so book your place now! Contact Sue Norman, Village Halls Adviser on 838771 ext 104
Landfill at Elstow South - On Saturday 25th October a seminar is taking place regarding the proposed Elstow South Landfill and Waste Management facility, with a capacity of five million cubic metres. The seminar will explore landfill, composting, recycling and other uses at Elstow South. It will also examine its relationship to the adjacent new villages to be built at The Wixams (formerly Elstow Garden Villages). The seminar is being held at the Forest Centre, Marston Vale from 10am to 1 pm. A buffet lunch will be provided.
If you would like more information please contact Julia Holmes, Field Officer Community Planning at Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity. Tel 01234 838771 ext 116 or email juliah@bedsrcc.org.uk
The Bedfordshire Community Transport Brokerage became operational in September 2003. The Brokerage is a partnership between vehicle owning groups or organisations and those groups and organisations who do not have their own vehicles but who still need regular and/or occasional transport.
It ensures that vehicles are used more efficiently and made more widely available to benefit the whole community. The brokerage has a one point of contact via a local telephone number. The intention is to develop a wide membership of lender and borrower groups of all ages from across the whole community of Bedfordshfre A key to the expected success of this project is the active involvement and support of the major community t7ansport providers including the Dial a Rides, the community buses and the County Council. The first stage of the brokerage's development is the gathering of information about vehicles and their owners, potential user groups and volunteer drivers.
John Worth, the coordinator of this new scheme, is willing to answer any queries, attend any meetings and help in any way that he can. Groups or organisations that would like to be actively involved in the development of this initiative, or, perhaps just want to know more, can contact John on 01525 878145 or email: johnw@bedsrcc.org.uk

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Page last updated: 08/11/03  Ouse News is published by St Mary's PCC
 Ouse News will print anything of interest to the community not just reports of past village activities or reminders of forthcoming ones. Feedback on any of the items published would be most welcome – whether for printing or not.
Items for next month's Ouse News should be sent to the editor: Clive Just, 2 The Old Rectory by the 25th of the month. It would help if items were emailed to OuseNews@bigfoot.com; sent on disk; or typed. Phone 781967 for more details.