Ouse News |
October 2001 |
Edited by Clive Just |
Our Dangerous World - Rev David Mason I am writing this note ten days after the terrorist attacks in America. Our papers are still full of the events and their repercussions, and now also of the plans being made to combat terrorism. The magnitude of the horror, the increasing numbers of those dead or presumed to be dead, the mourning relatives and friends, the wreckage, are ever present reminders to us aN of how the actions of a small group of fanatics can affect us all. It is right that we should all feel anger, disbelief, sorrow, and all the other emotions associated with bereavement. It is right that we should all strive to prevent such events from happening, that we should strive to find those responsible for the horror and destruction. It is right that we should seek to deter those who would seek to gain their will by the use of force, to root them out from wherever they seek shelter. But we must seek justice and not vengeance. We must not allow ourselves to be brought to the same level of inhumanity as those who committed the evil acts by seeking vengeance rather than justice. In the Epistle to the Romans (Chapter 12) Paul speaks of how we should deal with those who are our enemies, and of how we should endeavour to live in our communities. He warns against seeking revenge, and states, ‘vengeance is mine, says the Lord, I will repay.’ Very sound advice, for history is full of accounts of the misery, injustice and destruction that come from seeking revenge. We must also avoid making religion or culture that scapegoat, to see these acts of violence as the acts of a ‘holy war’. Those who committed these or similar acts are terrorists, pure and simple. None of the religions that may be allegedly involved in any way condones such actions. We must not allow ourselves to be manipulated into believing that these evil acts are in any way encouraged or approved of by those who are true followers of those religions, however much those who perpetrate them may seek to justify the acts as being ‘holy’. We live in dangerous times, and we are all aware of the harm that peoples and nations can do to each other, and to the planet on which we all live. We also are aware of how small the world has become with the advancement of communications and transport. Increasingly the problems that exist in even far parts of the world impinge upon us, and we cannot be unaware of them. There is a danger wherever there is a great divide between poverty and wealth. The vast increase in economic migration and the problems that it is causing is evidence of the gap between rich and poor peoples. We need to work harder at reducing this gap by working with poorer countries to improve their prosperity and reduce their vulnerability to climatic and environmental changes. We need to work harder at dealing with areas of injustice which fester long, and which act as a breeding ground from which many who seek violent solutions come. We cannot through our wealth insulate ourselves from the rest of the world. The great commandment tells us that we must love God, and our neighbour as ourselves. This is the only way in which we can live peacefully and securely together. In the coming weeks and months let us be fervent in our prayers as we seek God’s guidance and help in bringing an end to the danger of world conflict. Let us avoid the temptation to seek vengeance rather than justice, and let us recognise that we all have a part to play in seeking to bring God’s kingdom to this world, so that all may live in the love and peace of God. Save the Children Fund - Ronald & Judith Smith It’s that time of year again! You are warmly invited for coffee on the morning of Saturday 27 October between 10 am and noon or for tea on Sunday 28 October between 3pm and 5pm when SCF Christmas cards and gifts will be displayed for sale. Catalogues are available now and if you would like one please telephone and we will arrange for one to be delivered to you. People are sometimes uneasy about how much of the profit from the sales of cards and goods benefit any particular charity. The profit from the sale of SCF cards and goods is 50% all of which is devoted to the work of the Fund for children whose needs are so great. We look forward to seeing you at the end of October at Leaways, Town Lot Lane (junction with Grange Road). For more details call 781430. Bonfire Night - Gail Holboum On Sunday 4 November the Village Hall Committee will be holding the annual firework display at the Cricket Field. The bonfire will be lit at 6.30prn. Fireworks will begin at 7pm. Tickets will be available in advance from the school office, committee members or call Gail Holboum (781071), Dave Chandler (782868). Admission £2.50, Children £1.50, under 5's free. Snacks will be on sale separately. If this traditional event is to continue, we must have the full support of the village who will hopefully bring a few guests with them. The firework display is always a financially draining event, and very little, if any profit is made. It is put on purely for village entertainment. Unfortunately due to unexpected expense this year the committee had to consider very carefully whether it should run at all. After much discussion it was agreed that many village residents looked forward to the fireworks, and it would cause great disappointment if it were not held. Therefore committee members felt that there may be someone in the village who would like to help make this display memorable by sponsoring the event. Any ideas or offers are welcome! If anyone has wood that could be used for the bonfire we would be grateful if it could be left on the cricket field after Saturday October in the allotted place marked clearly by a sign. (No garden rubbish or non—combustible material). May I remind you to keep animals in on the evening of November 4 to avoid any distress. Norman Wildman - Ken Shrimpton The funeral service for Norman Wildman was held at St Mary’s Church on Friday 21 September 2001. He was 69 years old. For the past 38 years Norman lived in Radwell and had been involved with the Felmersham Table Tennis Club and in latter years until his death, he was a joint-coordinator for the parish Community Care Scheme. For over 30 years he was a Scout Leader for the 1st Rushden St. Mary’s Scout Troop. He also spent some years as Scout leader for the Shambrook Troop and was a founder member and player for the Rushden & Higham Rugby Club. Before ill health forced an early retirement, Norman worked as a Company accountant in Bedford. Despite his many recent health problems he always soldiered on very bravely. Norman leaves a widow and two sons. Pauline Wildman writes: The family were completely overwhelmed to see so many people at Norman’s funeral. Our thanks go to everyone for their support and comfort at this sad time. We shall always remember this. |
The Crisis in America - A Village Voice by a Felmersham resident Reduced to dust by tyranny no conscience, thought or care, A disregard for life itself to lay this suffering bare.
In disbelief, we all looked on and a horror tale
We searched for an aggressor someone to take the
blame; Across the globe, we shared the pain of thousands
caught in grief; Helpless and redundant and so very far away;
Our prayers were all we had to give there seemed so
little choice; Coffee Morning - Row Watson The coffee morning for October in aid of the Felmersham Church Restoration Fund will be held at the home of Blanche and Brian Smith, West Grange, Hunts Lane, Felmersham on Saturday 6 October at 10.30 a.m. Contributions of home made cakes, toiletries, produce and bric-a-brac for the bring and buy stall will be most welcome. All friends are welcome. Oakley Day Centre - Lynn Defeo The centre continues to encourage the elderly to socialise with others from different areas of Bedford. We have managed to secure a Community Fund Grant from the Lottery for 3 years allowing us to open another day a week, so as from the 4th October we will open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We are now looking for volunteers to help out, preferably on a Thursday, but any day would be helpful, we would appreciate as little or as much time that you could spare, throughout opening times which are 8.3Oam - 3.3Opm. Many volunteers at present help for an hour or two in the morning, during lunch or throughout the afternoon. You don’t need to have any special experience with the elderly, just to have an ear to listen and a compassionate nature. Many of our clients may not see anyone else all week. If you can help however small, please phone me so we can offer another 15 elderly, lonely pensioners the chance to make new friendships and enjoy a warm friendly day out. We still have a few places available on a Thursday, if you should know of an elderly person who you think may benefit from our organisation. We offer transport to and from the Day Centre by Door to Door, activities throughout the day, an exercise class, all refreshments and a two course lunch. For more information regarding Oakley Day Centre, Please phone me on 826016 or 07733 227374. Remembrance Sunday - Fred Turner There will be a short wreath laying service, conducted by Rev, David Mason, at the War Memorial at approximately 11.40 am on Sunday 11 November, immediately following the morning service. If you wish to contribute towards the cost of the poppy wreath please contact me on 781864 or send your donation to "Five Elms", Moor End Road, Radwell. Please support the poppy appeal! Sharnbrook Mill Theatre Michael Prior performs his one man play Chairman Mao on Friday 5th and Saturday 6th October. This is the third play in his trilogy, The Enigma Series. To book your tickets visit the Village Trader in Sharnbrook, call the Central Box Office on 269519 or the Castle Theatre, Wellingborough, on 01933 270007. Harvest Festival - Ken Shrimpton Our Harvest Festival service will be held on Sunday 7 October at 10-l5am. Immediately after the service, we will be serving coffee and cakes in the church and through the sale of Tombola tickets we will be giving donations to the Bishops Harvest for the Hungry Appeal. Parish Council Meeting - Maggie Spoor Notes from the Parish Council meeting held on 4~ September 2001. 5 Parish Councillors and 4 members of the public attended this meeting, chaired by Mike Thomas. Matters Arising - the flagpole is now in situ and the Council have a Union flag and George Cross to fly at appropriate times. The Council is aware of the noise created by the lanyard on the flagpole and is taking measures to stop that. Our apologies to anyone disturbed by this. The Council will continue to monitor the ‘bulky refuse’ service. There were problems in May when another lorry had to be sent for. It was also suggested that it should be parked on Grange Road, adjacent to Marriotts Close, rather than in Marriotts Close itself, although there had been no complaints. It seems to be working well in Radwell. Parishioners Questions - a suggestion that the Council approaches BT to see if they would consider putting their cabling underground, particularly in the conservation area. Overgrown hedgerows and trees, particularly in Carlton Road, are still causing problems. In parts vegetation has grown out over the verge leaving pedestrians nowhere to go out of the way of traffic. Overhanging, overgrown trees and bushes also cause problems for local farmers, particularly at this time of year when straw is being moved from the fields. The effect is to comb’ the straw from the bales, littering the roads. The Council would be grateful if householders could please keep vegetation adjacent to roads and paths trimmed. The Consecration of the parish ground by the Bishop of Bedford took place on the 7th August. This ancient service was well attended by over 40 parishioners on a lovely summer evening and was followed by refreshments in the church. Highways - Under the partnership scheme, the County Council has £4000 to spend in the parish on highways. Councillors were asked to let Mike Thomas have suggestions as soon as possible. It is proposed to provide bus shelters on the north bound route in Radwell and Felmersham. It may be possible to get some funding towards this project. The shelters would be sited at the existing bus stops — opposite The Swan in Radwell, and near to the parish notice board in the High Road. The proposed shelter in Radwell is likely to be wooden (similar to the ones in Pavenham). The shelter in Felmersham is more difficult. The Council would welcome your comments on a suitable style, and on the proposal in general. P3 - Chris Ure gave his group’s report. Work is about to start on improving the bridle way from Sharnbrook to Radwell. The work is receiving County Council funding, and Bedfordia are providing hardcore. The group have been very busy following the re-opening of the footpaths. Work on the map board is ongoing and it should be ready around June next year. Users of footpaths are asked to take note of the ‘livestock area’ signs and take sensible precautions — i.e. keep away from the animals, dean any dung from shoes, keep dogs under control. |
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We will print anything of interest to the community not just reports of past village activities or reminders of forthcoming ones. Feedback on any of the items published would be most welcome – whether for printing or not. Ouse News is published free by Felmersham Parochial Church Council |