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Ouse News - Index to back numbers
to current edition Ouse News is published by Felmersham Parochial Church Council and Sponsored by Chesham Insurance Brokers |
Remembering - Rev David Mason November has become associated with remembrance, on 2nd November the Church celebrates All Souls Day when we will remember again those whom we know and who have died. On the 11 November there is Armistice Day, the nearest Sunday to which (10 November) is Remembrance Day. It is right that we should remember and think of those who we knew, and who have died. And it is right that we should observe Remembrance Day. Indeed I believe that it is extremely important that in these dangerous times that we should carefully and thoughtfully keep this special day. There are times when it may be necessary to go to war, but it must always be as a last resort, when all other means to resolve a conflict have been tried unsuccessfully, and where the alternative to war would be greater loss of life, destruction and loss of freedom than would be caused by war. The world is now, thanks to improved communications and transport methods, a very small place. One of the consequences is that it is more difficult to avoid the consequences of military action because of its remoteness. We have seen how those who would harm us have been able to operate with ruthless efficiency in widely separated parts of the world. Technological advances in the means of war have made the damage inflicted on people and property so much greater and more widespread. We must all recognise that the consequences of waging war will be the potential for much greater damage and loss of life even than that which has occurred even in the conflicts that we will recall on Remembrance Day. We must pray and stress to our leaders and negotiators the importance of seeking just settlements of arguments without resorting to war except in the very last resort. We must also recognise that conflict is made more likely if the differentials between the rich and the poor nations is very great. There comes a point when those at the very bottom of the pile can feel that they have nothing to lose if they try to improve their lot be the use of force. We are all stewards of God’s world, and as such we must ensure that all God’s people benefit from the riches of the world. The world is now so small that no longer can we shut ourselves away with our great wealth, and keep those who are poor ignorant of our riches. I am sure that much of the conflict and dissatisfaction of those who are unhappy with their situation would be resolved or reduced if there was a more equitable distribution of wealth and resources throughout the world. We must speak out and encourage our leaders to take a world view and ensure that all can feel that they have a fair share in the wealth and resources of the planet. Margaret Alleway - a Tribute - Mary Birks This month Margaret Alleway died. The village has lost one of its most genuine. caring and respected residents. Margaret was born in January, 1926 in the North of England, as Margaret Aris. She remained there until she started her training as a nurse at Sevenoaks and Connaught Hospitals. In those wartime days, pre N.H.S, the life was tough. At some stage, Margaret contracted tuberculosis, and had an operation and time off sick. This may have sparked her interest in Chest Care, as she worked at the King Edward VII hospital at Midhurst, and as Chest Theatre Sister at Peppard Hospital, near Reading, often returning to visit friends at the latter. Later she worked at Arlesey Hospital, which was a branch of the London Chest Hospital. Finally, Margaret came to Bedford to run the Chest Clinic at Bedford Hospital, North Wing, working with Dr Neil Wynn-Williams, Dr John Baylis and Dr W. Riding. She worked with quiet efficiency, and her skills were much respected. During her time there, tuberculosis decreased in frequency and instead lung cancer and heart problems proliferated. In the early 1960’s, she met Bertie Alleway, and they married, and moved out to Felmersham when the Trinity Close bungalows were built 1964. Bertie worked at the County Hall, and Margaret continued at North Wing till their retirement. The marriage was a very happy one. Their chief mutual interest was black-and-white photography, and they had a little dark room. Unfortunately their joint happy retirement did not last long - on holiday in Austria in 1987, Bertie collapsed and died of a dissecting aneurysm. Margaret was devastated, but bravely picked up the reins, and made a new life for herself, She worked in the Save the Children shop in Bedford regularly joined the W. I, and was a prime worker at Church Coffee mornings. Ever generous with time, money, ,and thoughts, she would make cakes, run the raffle and participate fully in anything. She enjoyed concerts, her watercolours were exquisite - many of us have superb hand painted Christmas cards. She also helped in Community Care, when this was set up. She was a faithful Communicant at St Mary’s. Margaret had her share of poor health latterly, breaking her ankle 4 years a go, an operation 2 years ago. She died from secondary cancer after a brief illness conducted with her usual humour and determination, on Oct 1 7th, 2002. We shall all miss her. Coffee Morning Jane Wells
The Church Coffee Morning
for November, in am of the Church Restoration
Fund, will be held
at the home of Michael and Joan Thomas, on Saturday
November at 10 30
Contributions of home made
cakes, toiletries, produce and bric-a-brac for the
bring and buy stall
will be gratefully received. Everyone welcome. In Remembrance of Margaret Alleway - Candace Rankin Our village has suffered a profound loss in the passing of one our finest and truly most loved residents on 1 7 October. Despite Margaret’s earlier recovery from cancer the disease struck yet once again in September with vicious speed and finality. Her Christian faith was bottomless and it is for our own loss we grieve as Margaret rejoices now with her Creator. My very first memory of Margaret was my first visit to St Mary’s Church when we moved here three years ago She stood to give the New Testament Reading and I was aware of her beautiful reading voice and the commitment with which she read, her faith apparent in her expression and manner. She then returned to her seat, and as she was sitting just behind me, I clearly heard that same melodious voice sing the hymns and declare the Creed with a ringing sense of conviction. She inspired me that day and did so until the final days of her life. My frequent visits with Margaret gave me a storehouse of information about the village’s history. I cannot imagine how many scones and cakes she baked to raise funds for the Village Hall, and the campaign against a major airport being built at Thurleigh, to protect the pastoral glory of this village. She hosted endless Bring and Buy stands for the Primrose Appeal and the very scanning equipment which detected her own cancer. Margaret was not one to sit and do nothing when something needed to be said or done. When Margaret had her first cancer diagnosis a couple years ago, she required daily radiotherapy treatment at Addenbrooke’s, Her friends established a rota of drivers, and I vividly remember my journey there with her one day. As we passed Papworth Everard, she told me the history of the now famous heart hospital. She was part of that history as she told of her early nursing days at Papworth when it was a specialist chest and tuberculosis hospital. Margaret had trained as a nurse during the war and become a senior sister at Papwcrth. With her artist’s eye for beauty she told me that even when the bombs were feared and sensed to be close by, she would look out from the hospital windows on a night shift and marvel at the clarity of the moon shining down on the surrounding woods of the hospital. Margaret was a gifted watercolourist, and she could find something quite special and spiritual in many scenes that passed by an ordinary eye. Margaret’s nursing career was impressive and extensive, and 1000’s of patients benefited from her calm and knowledgeable manner over the many years. Margaret was one of life’s true givers” and as someone who received so much from her, I will mourn her for a long time to come. Finally, I will always remember how she called so many of her friends, “my dear.” It was never meant in a superficial or patronising manner — she always made me feel I was dear to her. Margaret was a private person but so open in her love for others. What a privilege it was for us all to have known her. |
Goodwill Children’s Home Appeal - Rosalind TemplemanFollowing on from the enormous success of last year’s Christmas present appeal, we are once again asking for small gifts which we will send to the Goodwill Children’s Home in South India. The children and their carers were overwhelmed by the generosity shown last year and were extremely grateful for all the gifts they received. The home to which the presents go is in Bapatla in South India and houses over two hundred boys and girls, aged between five and sixteen, This small charity does tremendously important work with these poverty-stricken children, as I saw when I went out there two years ago. They are provided with a home, clothes, food, medicine and a good education. Goodwill appreciates any help given to the children and small presents you can give would be extremely welcome. Because of current restrictions we need to avoid sharp items and also materials such as metal or glass. Ideal gifts would be things such as stationery, pencils, pens, crayons, chalk plastic toys sachets of shampoo, hair accessories, blow up footballs etc. Anything you can find and donate would be greatly appreciated and collection will take place at the Christmas Carol Service. Further information about Goodwill can be found on the church notice board. Of course, any monetary donations would be very welcome. W.I. - May Mills Bodices and bustles; capes, corsets and chemises pantaloons, parasols and petticoats, smocks and stockings - no, this is not the wardrobe for a Women’s Institute version of a Victorian melodrama, but a selection of beautiful clothes lovingly collected over the years by Lynn Hopwood. She had begun at the age of 14 with Victorian linen and nightdresses, progressing to clothes, until eventually she owned over 400 items, including costumes from the 1920’s through to the 1960’s, The most coveted garment was an exquisitely embroidered deep blue jacket, circa 1874, which was found at the bottom of a chest of linen, bought for £5. The most bizarre piece was a very large, black lace item — and its use? —why, a coffin cover of course! The tour de force had to be the undressing of our model, who was kitted out from head to toe in a Victorian outfit, and was peeled like an onion right down to her pantaloons. Melodrama’s wicked Sir Jasper would have been proud
Senior Citizen’s Christmas Tea - May Mills This will once again be held in Pinchmill Hall on Sunday, 8th December at 3.30pm, and transport will be available on the day as required If you would like to join us, but have not been contacted, then please ring Celia Hulatt on 781082 or me on 781788. We look forward to seeing you there! Stone-free - Lisa Parrish We have some surplus stone (good quality aged lime) left over from re-building the wall around our drive, Should this be of use to anyone please feel free to collect it - the stone is stacked up against our gates at The Squash Court Christmas Hampers & Champers Ball - Pinchmill Pre-School Committee The Village Hail Committee have kindly agreed to let the Pinchmill Pre-School host the annual Christmas Dance this year and we would firstly like to thank them for this fundraising opportunity. Please make a note in your diaries for the Dance on Saturday 14th December. The format has not yet been formalised but we will keep you informed of details as soon as possible. We are counting on your support for this event. Please help us make this a successful, fun evening! Emmaus Village Canton - Peter Baldwin The Companions (residents of Emmaus Village Canton) continue to welcome visitors to the Community to enjoy the facilities at the Shop, Bistro and Furniture Store, which are open Wednesday to Saturday, l0am - 4pm, so do come and browse, buy, eat and see all that there is to enjoy at Emmaus Village. Over the summer, organised parties of groups, clubs and friends have enjoyed a delicious meal and a stroll around to see what they can find (often at bargain prices) in the Shop or Furniture Store. To keep the enterprise going, we still need you to keep us in mind if you are discarding any items which can be sold in the Shop or Furniture Store, and we will collect them from your home. We are still very keen to hear from anyone who would volunteer to give some time to the Community. We are in particular need of drivers who would be willing to take the van out to collect goods - a few hours a week would make all the difference, Can you spare that? As many now know, the Community must eventually be self-supporting and the Companions earn their keep by working to recycle, refurbish and sell donated goods. The eight Companions now on site expect more to join them as the accommodation is completed. It has been part of the summer project to bring more rooms up to scratch ready for occupation. The Workshop functions under the professional manager who lives on site. Furniture is refurbished to a high standard for sale in the showroom and many interesting pieces have passed through during the summer. The Shop has also had some amazing donations, including commemorative china, silver, books, jewellery and loads more in the last month or two. As Christmas approaches, unusual stocking fillers and gifts are waiting to be bought. All have been donated, all for a good cause. So, again, if you would like to be involved in any way, or want the van to call at your house, please ring 01234 720826 and talk to one of the Companions. BBC TV Children in Need Appeal - Pat Keeble The Felmersham & Radwell Brownies are holding a Coffee & Cake Evening with a Bring and Buy sale for the Children in Need appeal this year on Thursday 14 November 2002 from 6pm to 8pm at Pinchmill Hall. Please come and help us raise funds for this excellent charity. All local residents are welcome to participate and contributions of cakes or articles for the bring and buy would be much appreciated. RSPCA Collection - Félise Kingerlee In a nation of animal lovers it is a sad fact that so many pets know nothing but abuse and cruelty in their short lives, Thanks to all who cared enough to donate towards the welfare of our fellow creatures who have no voice. Special thanks go to Mrs Pipe, Mrs Wilson, Mrs Crouch, Mrs Payne and Miss Twigden for giving up their valuable time to collect a total of £148.55 for the Bedford branch Canton and Chellington Historical Society - Mike Benson There will be an illustrated talk entitled Plaits & Hats in the 19C and early 20C given by Alison Taylor, Keeper of Luton Museum, on Thursday November 21st in Canton Village Hall, starting at 8pm. Further information from me on 781649.
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| Ouse News - Index to back numbers
to current edition |
Ouse News will print anything of interest to the community not just reports of past village
activities or reminders of forthcoming ones. Feedback on any of the items published
would be most welcome – whether for printing or not. |