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      The Parish Magazine on line  May 2004
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Ouse News is published by Felmersham Parochial Church Council and Sponsored by Chesham Insurance Brokers

No Limits - Chris Ure
Visiting a church some years ago, I noticed that one or two of the young people were wearing woven wrist bands containing the initials WWJD. I later discovered that this was one of the methods they used to manage their Christian life.
When decisions had to be made, the wrist band acted as an 'aide-memoire' to pose the question: What would Jesus do? And often since then, I have had to ask myself the same question.
When I sometimes feel too weary to make the effort. When I have a choice to help or not to help. When I feel critical or impatient. When I seek justice for wrongs done. What would Jesus do?
Well, the Bible is very clear about the character of Jesus. He preached tolerance and forgiveness and love and justice. But for most of us, that is far easier said than done. There is something in the human spirit that is instinctively critical and proud. So, putting others first, loving our neighbour and turning the other cheek does not always come naturally to us.
For all of us, doing what is right has to be an evolving process as we learn from the mistakes that we make along the way. Realising that perhaps there may have been a better way, a kinder or more generous way of dealing with the problem that we faced.
In the daily dilemmas that confront us, we can do no better than to look to the character of Jesus. He was a man who suffered prejudice and persecution. He was a man who knew what it was like to be hated and vilified. And yet he was a man who placed no limits on his willingness to give for the benefit of others.
So, whatever challenges we may have to face, one question can always guide our judgement: What would Jesus do?

Easter Services - Rev David Mason
I wish to thank all those who cleaned and decorated the Church for Easter. Several visitors have commented on how nice the Church looked, and how well it is looked after. I know that a great many people contribute in some way, and I am very grateful for the care and support that you give to the Church.

Parish Spring - Clean Maggie Spoor
A very big thank you to everyone who took part in the Parish Spring Clean during the last weekend of March. Both villages were involved and 25 people from Felmersham and Radwell collected around 60 bags of rubbish, mainly from the roadsides and verges.
As in previous years the litter pick yielded the usual collection of fast food containers, cans, bottles and car parts. On the road from Radwell towards Milton Ernest alone the hard working volunteers collected 25 bags of rubbish and a plastic chair. Other rubbish was cleared from Moor End and Felmersham Road.
In Felmersham, a small army of enthusiastic litter pickers fanned out from the meeting point at the church on the Saturday, whilst more volunteers cleaned and swept the road along the church wall or made the coffee (for which we were very grateful). On Sunday we were a slightly smaller, but no less enthusiastic group. In addition, the flowerbed behind the bus shelter was pruned and tidied.
Regardless of any ongoing problems, it's very satisfying to think we can look forward to summer relatively litter free. Thank you all once again.

A reminder that the rural skip `bulky waste' collection will be over the weekend of 8th and 9th May. On the 8th the time is 3-5pm; on the 9th 1-3pm. Look out for notices, which will give more details. The dates for the collection in September are 25th 3-5pm; 26th 1-3pm.

Dawn Chorus - Walk P3
Group Remember to book your place on the Dawn Chorus Walk in order that the P3 Group can make the necessary catering arrangements. If wet the breakfast will be served under cover. Please join us at 4.15am on Saturday 15 May for this rare and exciting social activity! See The Grapevine for details.

Felmersham & Radwell Community Care - Mike Thomas
We are working together to make our community a better place, and we want our homes to be secure and safe from burglars. The Home Watch and Community Care have come together to share resources and expertise in Home Security matters, to give our village a better service. We are planning to start a HOUSE WATCH scheme for residents who are away from their homes for any reason, so that they can enjoy `peace of mind' in their absence.
The FRCC will process the necessary application forms for each enquiry, in conjunction with the Home Watch co-ordinator. If you are interested in this scheme and wish for more details, please contact us on 07693 225875 and give your name and telephone number to the operator, indicating you wish to use the HOUSE WATCH scheme, and we will arrange a convenient time to visit you and discuss your requirements. All our Volunteers carry identity cards, and have been checked and cleared by Criminal Records Bureau.

The Mill Theatre, Sharnbrook - Theo Gibbs
CABARET Kander & Ebb's Smash Hit Musical: Fri. 14th - Sat. 22nd May Tickets available now from: The Village Trader, Sharnbrook (in person)
YOUTH THEATRE SUMMER SCHOOL 2nd - 7th August for 9-18 year olds, professional tuition, fee £100. Details from Erica Lester (781210).
COMPANION DOG SHOW Sunday 5th September, Mill Theatre Riverside Grounds. All Welcome. Pedigree & Novelty Classes. Stalls, Refreshments, Licensed Bar. Enquiries: Elizabeth/Theo Gibbs 781298/782377
For dates and details of workshops or auditions for THE LION IN WINTER contact Marjory Thorburn, and for MY FAIR LADY contact Enid Cooper or Melanie Coleman.

Sunflowers Soon to be A-beaming - Candace Rankin
We are excited to have surpassed last year's total of 34 entrants to announce the following names of this year's 46 competitors:
Liz Conibere (on behalf of grand-daughter, Georgia), Laurie Mills; Jemma Mariner, Ken Shrimpton, Katie Henman, Nick Henman, Chloe Doyle, Jeff Stokley, Alan Stevens, Sally Carr, Jennie Whiteway, Truus Boyce, Mel Gardiner, Katie Gardiner, Joyce Franklin, Freddy Stevens, Gregory Herring, Rachel Herring, Mr & Mrs Parrot (1 entry between them), Adam and Holly Parrot, Betty Taylor, Rebecca Hocking, Fraser Hocking, Michael Boswell, Margaret Jones, Molly Blizzard, Pat Keeble (on behalf of Felmersham and Radwell Brownies), Jenny Goldsworthy, Janet Cook, Sue Middlemas, Laura Hewlett, Bianca Hewlett, Sue Whiting, Pat Jones, Geoff Hulatt, Tom Rance, Harry Rance, Jack Rance, Mike Benson, Harrison Lovell, Di Stephenson, Tracey Monaghan, Michael Thomas, Mary Ditmass, Constance Carter.

We know from former years that sensitivities run very high with the stress of this event, so please do not feel slighted if your name is not at the top of the list! This is no comment on your projected gardening skills or success!
We are delighted to share Rebecca Hocking's charming drawing that accompanied her entrance form. Little treasures such as these dropping through our letterbox make this a truly worthwhile experience for Peter and me. Any thoughts or drawings or poems that come to you leading up to the competition would be a joy to share over the next weeks
The Extravaganza Tea, during which the judging takes place at Adina, will be held on Sunday, 4 July, an afternoon time to be announced closer to the event. This is several weeks earlier than last year, but many felt the late August date did not suit the peaking point for their entrants. It is also probable that the scarecrows may be judged from the front gardens of those entering, as it would give a lovely flavour to the village and be easier to work on and present. Again, more details to follow closer to the date.
I have recently received vitriolic communication from that stalwart and historical American group, The Daughters of the American Revolution. Their prestigious existence is devoted to celebrating the glorious battle for independence from the Mother Country in 1776. My "moving into enemy camp with a flagrant disregard for your American sisters' struggles and bravery" has not been popular. One elderly member fainted dead away when told that I would be personally entertaining a host of British friends on Independence Day. But I'm into flower power and love, so what the heck.........

To date we have two very humiliating experiences to share and would like to make a public apology. One poor soul was sent home without the seeds enclosed in his start up pack. I think it was inhaling Jeyes Fluid all morning scrubbing the pots that got me a little dozy headed. Apologies to Freddy!!! We also dished out some apparently infertile seeds or compost.

After proudly crowing that Monty Don had shamed us into actively composting, and that we had used delicious home-grown soil in your pots, poor Janet Cook had a 0 germination rate and had to start all over again and lose some precious growing time! We promise that the seeds were fresh this year and the compost lovingly stewed over winter. And don't forget that it was poor Janet last year who had one of her specimen nobbled by a nasty snail! We know this is a fraught time and do hope you will all encourage one another with patience and care.
Around the middle of June we will be taking mid-point measurements, so on your marks, get set, GROW!!!!!!!!!

Bell Ringing - Colin Payne
The Market Harborough District Bell Ringers will be visiting Felmersham on Saturday 15th May from 3.20pm until 4.00pm.

Coffee Morning - Jane Wells
The Coffee Morning for June will be held at the home of Constance Carter on Saturday 5'h June at 10.30am. Homemade cakes, toiletries, produce and bric-a-brac for the bring and buy stall will be greatly appreciated. All welcome

Felmersham Web Site - Ken Shrimpton
On Thursday 22 April 2004 at 4.08pm felmersham.net notched up its 20,000th visitor, an average of 10 visitors per day over the 5½ years it has been online. Over that period the site has expanded to embrace many of the aspects of parish life and it has remained firmly independent.
A recent national survey of village webmasters found that 88% of respondents were male, and most (60%) aged 40 - 60 and nearly 20% were over 60.
The peak year for establishing village websites was 2000 (39%), though 10% were created between 1995 and 1997 (none earlier). The majority (87%) of website were set up by webmasters using their own resources and skills, and 76% used their own funds to do it.
Among the original reasons for setting up the site, the most important were: to provide information to the village community (84%); to provide a showcase of the village to the outside world (65%); to provide services to the village community (53%); and to allow previous residents to stay in touch (47%). Attracting tourists to the area was mentioned by 32%, and allowing descendents of previous residents to trace family history by 31 %.
felmersham.net attracts many visitors from both abroad and locally but surprisingly it is not used as a communication medium by the local community. There are virtually no news items submitted to The Grapevine page and very few requests to advertise events. My ear may be close to the ground, but not that close! So come on Felmersham and Radwell, wake up and make more use of this local resource!

Sponsored Walk - Pinchmill School Association
The children of Pinchmill Lower School and their families will be taking part in a sponsored walk around Pinchmill Islands on the afternoon of Saturday, 22nd May. The walk has been organised to raise money for the School Extension Appeal. The new extension will include an art centre and new school library and building work is expected to begin in the summer. Anyone in Felmersham or Radwell wishing to help with the walk, as a marshal, with sponsorship or in any other capacity, is invited to contact Miranda Doggett (782234) or Jane Jones (823359).

Music for a Summer - Evening Pinchmill School Association
Advance notice of a rare opportunity to hear soprano Jane Emmanuel (Royal Opera chorus) and pianist Tim Farrell perform a recital programme of summer music in the garden of College Farm House. Bring a picnic to enjoy during the interval, á la Glyndebourne without the black tie! Tickets will be available later this month from Miranda Doggett (782234) or from the School office (781371).
All proceeds to Pinchmill School Extension Appeal. In September 2004 Pinchmill Lower School celebrates its 30th anniversary so watch this space for details of events to mark this special occasion...

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Ouse News is published by St Mary's PCC
 Ouse News will print anything of interest to the community not just reports of past village activities or reminders of forthcoming ones. Feedback on any of the items published would be most welcome – whether for printing or not.
Items for next month's Ouse News should be sent to the editor: Clive Just, 2 The Old Rectory by the 25th of the month. It would help if items were emailed to OuseNews@bigfoot.com; sent on disk; or typed. Phone 781967 for more details. Online version of Ouse News additionally edited by the webmaster.