Ouse News
The Parish Magazine
May 2002

Celebrations - Rev David Mason
Throughout the country plans are being made to celebrate the Queen’s Colder’ Jubilee. In this magazine you will find details of the events being planned in our parish,, I note from April’s Ouse News that here will be a selection of activities occurring over the June sank Holiday weekend. Our celebrations will include a service of praise and thanksgiving to be held on the evening of Sunday 2~ of June at 0.SOpm. I am sure that we look forward to the celebrations, and that many will be working very bard to ensure that they are a success.

But there is also another celebration this year, it is 125 years ago Since our diocese was formed. Before that time our Parish was in the Diocese of Ely, which was at the time a very large diocese. On Sunday Julie the 9~we will be hosting the Bishop of St Alban’s visit to Sharnbrook Deanery. More details below.

Special anniversaries, such as the ones that we are celebrating are times of looking back end contemplating The good and the bad things That have happened over the years. Times to give thanks for the good things, and times to acknowledge and learn from mistakes. But they are also to be times of looking forward. As part of a suggested service to celebrate the Oueen’s Jubilee tare is an act of dedication which invites us logo forward by dedicating ourselves anew to serve our local community, our nation, and the world, Certainly There is much that is in desperate need of care and service. Let us, as part of our celebrations set some time aside to think of the future, of our communities, of our nation, and of the world. Let us examine areas of need, and dedicate ourselves to the Service of working to resolve those needs in whatever way we are able.

Deanery Visit - Rev David Mason
To celebrate the 125" anniversary of the establishment of the Diocese of St Albans. the Bishop of Saint Albans will be visiting every deanery in the diocese. On Sunday 9 June we will be hosting the visit to Sharnbrook Deanery. There will be a chance to meet the Bishop in the afternoon in the garden of Riverside House, by kind permission of Tom and Jane Wells. arid at 6-30 pm here will be a service in the Church at which The Bishop will give the address. The Bishop is willing to take part in an informal question and answer session after the service.

Offers of help in providing tea and refreshments or helping on the day will be gratefully received by the Church Wardens or myself.

Au Revoir - Judith & Ron Smith
After 27 very happy years in Felmersham the imperatives of old age, middle age and youth have impelled us North. Old age in the sense that we laboured in die garden and rarely sat there to enjoy it: the bungalow was akin to the Perth Bridge in terms of maintenance and sunnier climes beckon us in the winter months. Middle age in the sense that Jennie our daughter said to us tat it wasn’t a question of whether we should move but rather where we should move to and that she would prefer not to have to take ‘Meals on wheels" a hundred miles or more. Youth in the sense that the four grandchildren are each engaged in a wide range of activities that makes visiting us an increasingly difficult proposition.

The solution is a new three bedroom apartment in Lancaster with garage and a small garden, the latter to be put down to paving as soon as we can organise someone to do it. We miss our many friends in Felmersham and Radwell. but we hope that the proximity of the Lake District will induce them to come north and pay us a visit.

Parish Registers

Sun 14 April Baptism Tilia May Gaffney

Sun 21 April Baptism Jemma Louise Mariner


Jubilee Celebrations
Click here for programme

Church Coffee Morning - Jane Wells
The coffee morning for May in aid of the Felmersham Church Restoration Fund will be held at the home of Lesley and David Twigden on Saturday II May at 10-30am. Contributions or home made cakes, toiletries, produce, and bric-a-brac for the bring and buy stall will be gratefully received. Everyone welcome.

Jubilee Coffee Morning - Jubilee Committee
There will be a coffee morning on Saturday 11th May at Broom Cottage. Moor End Road, Radwell, 10 am to 12 noon
. This is to raise funds for expenses for The Golden Jubilee weekend celebrations (paper, printing, materials for boards etc.). We want the Golden Jubilee weekend to be a success but some funding is needed, so please come arid support us. We look forward to seeing you 11th.

Mums & Tots - Lisa Parrish
Everyone welcome - children from 0-3 years at the Pre-School room at Pinchmill School on Tuesdays from 2 – 3-30pm (term-tine only). Lots or activities and a good opportunity to meet other mums in the area. Feel free to pop-in. Any queries please cell Lisa (783070) or Jo (782139).

Spring Tidy Up - Maggie Spoor
12 bags of rubbish, a complete car front bumper and a car battery were the result of this year’s Spring Tidy Up. It was a particularly small group that gathered at the church this year, but where we lacked in numbers we made up with enthusiasm arid expertise with the litter picking tongs. Plus we were supported by an equally hardworking team of lifter pickers who had volunteered to go out at other times. Very many thanks to everyone who took part.

Marie Curie Cancer Care Fund - Laurie Jones
The fund would like to tank the residents of Marriott’s Close who generously contributed £36.19 to the fund (including 0.86 Euros which one of the other residents exchanged for Sterling to use on holiday). Is this the first instance of use or the Euro in Felmersham? Many thanks to all who contributed.

Felmersham & Radwell Community Care -
Michael Thomas
At the Mayors Awards for Citizenship 2001-2. held at the Harpur Suite, Bedford on Monday April 15th. Felmersham and Radwell Community Care were awarded the winners certificate in the ‘Good Neighbours’ category. They had been sponsored and proposed by the Bedford Rural Communities Charity (BRCC). Joan and Michael Thomas accepted the award on behalf of the 18 Duty Officers and Volunteers from the Parish, who have served during the past 5 years.

Wildlife Trust - Pam Ravens
On the 10 May the Wildlife Trust will be holding a guided walk around the Felmersham Nature Reserve. Meet at the reserve car part at 7pm.

Church Diary for May

Sun 5 10.15am Choral Communion with Baptisms

Sat 11 10.30am Coffee Morning at ‘Kingsmead’,

Sun12 10.15am Family Service with Baptism

Sun19 10.15am Choral Communion Whit Sunday

Sun17 10.15am Choral Communion Lent 5

Sun 26 Service at Souldrop. Patronal Festival. No service at Felmersham

Advance Notice about extra services

Sun 9 June Evening Service The Bishop of Saint Albans to preach (Deanery Service)

Sun 2 June Evening Service Celebration of the Queen’s Jubilee


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Top of page  Page last updated: 02/01/03     Ouse News is published by St Mary's PCC

Ouse News will print anything of interest to the community not just reports of past village activities or reminders of forthcoming ones. Feedback on any of the items published would be most welcome – whether for printing or not.
Items for next month's Ouse News should be sent to the editor: Clive Just, 2 The Old Rectory by the 25th of the month. It would help if items were emailed to OuseNews@bigfoot.com; sent on disk; or typed. Phone 781967 for more details.

Ouse News is published free by Felmersham Parochial Church Council