Ouse News
      The Parish Magazine  June 2003
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Ouse News is published by Felmersham Parochial Church Council and Sponsored by Chesham Insurance Brokers

A World of Difference   Chris Ure

We live in a world of difference. People of different shapes and sizes. People of different colour and sexuality. People of different politics and religion. Such differences can of course, lead to all sorts of difficulties. They can create prejudice and persecution and they can result in hostility and even loss of life.

As humans, we seem to find it hard to be naturally tolerant and accepting of each other. And yet, we live in a world that promotes values of anti-discrimination and equality. These are the very values that Jesus proclaimed, in making the Kingdom of God available to all who will call upon His name.

As we look at our world, we see unrest and we see division. We see threats to peace and we see unprecedented acts of aggression that threaten the stability and security of our nation.

In the Bible, peace is one part of the fruit of the Spirit. The other parts are love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Galatians, said the lives of those belonging to Christ Jesus will reflect the fruit of the Spirit. That can be quite a challenge.

Modern Society tends to promote and emphasise our differences, which is possibly why people so often feel a lack of peace and contentment in their lives. In our work at Christian Family Care, this sort of disaffection often contributes to eating disorders, self-harming, depression, violence and even suicide.

Even in the Christian church, there can be differences in denomination and doctrine. And yet, when we look closer, however different we may appear to be on the surface, we still have much in common.

Perhaps, in the year ahead, it might be worth us all reminding ourselves of the important threads that bind us together, rather than the differences that can so easily set us apart. (1. Thessalonians, 5.93)

[Chris Ure is a Director of Christian Family Care. Rev David Mason has invited Chris to contribute occasionally on his behalf.]

Sunflower Competition Update
Candace Rankin

I think it is important in a small village that we offer the support and understanding required during the build-up to the August judging. Things can feel quite fraught, and poor Janet Cook could have done with an arm around when a snail nobbled one of her sunflowers. Loll Shrimpton, last year's winner, is reporting an uneasy sense of paranoia ever since she discovered a fellow competitor spying on her planting techniques with binoculars. My own husband, Peter, suffered a tad of angina when the host at the local pub intimated that he was involved in a scam relating to the £1 entry fee,

One is always aware of what a caring village in which we live. David Rhodes has offered a reduced rate for exercise stress tests for any of the Type A competitive middle-aged males who are overcharged with adrenaline in order to win. Caroline Jefferson is available for couple's counselling if one partner tries to undermine the other Laurie Mills has kindly offered to come out of retirement for the summer to advise anyone who is grinding their teeth with stress.

Some time in the next month, Peter and I will be contacting all contestants to record their mid-summer plant measurements. This is a motivating exercise and truly gets the mind focussed if you have been neglecting your plant. As a reminder, don't forget that the extravaganza tea will be held on Sunday, August 24`h. If for any reason you cannot make that date, please appoint somebody to represent your plant at the judging ceremonies and prize-giving. Speaking of which, our judge, Marjorie Pipe, has been bribed recently with offers of a diamond studded collar for Dolly if she could see it right to award a certain individual. Obviously we are disappointed to learn of such low life living in the village and that person will not be named out of Christian charity.

Mobile Library                        Anne Smith

The mobile library stops fortnightly on a Friday - next visit is Friday 13`h June Radwell Green 10.20 - 10:30 ;The Sun, Felmersham 10:40 - 11 :40 For more information or details of other locations call Kempston Library (853092).

 Pinchmill Pre-School Portacabin  Aurea Ellis

Look out! Leaflet coming SOON to update you on the progress of the pre-school Portacabin and to ask for a lot of community spirit!!!

Margaret Alleway    Sue Whitehouse

Most will be aware of the valuable part Margaret played in the church and the community until her death last October. The PCC has recently received a generous bequest from Margaret's estate: £25,000 is given for the maintenance and repair of the church building and a further £5000 towards the repairing of the organ. This money has provided a most helpful fund for a building which itself provides a lasting monument to Margaret and all much loved members of this community down the /ears.

The Mill Theatre           Theo Gibbs

Plan ahead! Next production: Chorus of Disapproval by Alan Ayckbourn, 23 to 28 September. Bookings for Jesus Christ, Superstar (14-22 Nov) will be available then. Why not make up a party? Youth Summer School: 28 July to 2 August only a few places left - for details call Erica Lester 781210.

Jumble Sale      Linda Rance

Felmersham & Radwell Village Hall Committee will be holding a Jumble Sale on 12th July at 2.00 p.m. If you would like to donate items please take them to "Harrowdene Paddock" from 4th July onwards.

 Christian Aid        Gill Greenish

Many thanks to those who collected on behalf of Christian Aid and to those who gave so generously at a time of year when there are frequent requests for donations. A total of £367.18 was raised.

Coffee Morning        Jane Wells

The next coffee morning, in aid of the Church Heating Fund, is to be hosted by Bill and Hazel Pearce on Saturday 7 June at 10.30 Ody House, Pavenham Road.

July's will be at the home of Ian and Margaret Coomber, The Old Bake House, Grange Road, Felmersham on Saturday 5`h at 10.30 am. Home made cakes, toiletries produce and bric a brac for the bring and buy stall will be greatly appreciated. All welcome.

P3 Report       Chris Ure

Eight people attended the meeting of Felmersham and Radwell P3 Group on 15`h May 2003, including Ed Burnett, who is the P3 Officer from Beds County Council.

Amongst the matters discussed were the purchase of a number of new tools to assist with maintenance and vegetation clearance along the footpaths; more robust replacement maps for the two map boards and a reprint of the first Felmersham and Radwell footpaths leaflet.                        .

Ed Burnett is in conversation with two local landowners concerning a number of options for installing suitable gates, stiles, kissing gates or staggered barriers to ensure that there is safe and secure access to the local footpaths on their land.

Work days are being coordinated by Danny Mariner to ensure footpaths are accessible and safe. Efforts are also being made to obtain signs to encourage dog walkers to apply appropriate controls in farmland where livestock is grazing.

The group is considering the possibility of organising a walk followed by a social event/BBQ some time during the summer months. The next meeting is due to be held on Thursday 24`h July at The Old Plough. New members are most welcome.

WI     May Mills

It is the most flexible of foods, simple to eat , morning noon and night, cold or hot, fried, grilled, baked or toasted. It is said that the Arabs invented it. Milk from their sheep was put into stomach bags, hung on camels, taken across the desert, and when emptied - hey presto - cottage cheese! It is a good story but everyone knows that the French invented cheese! The Egyptians, Greeks and Romans had it, and French monks brought their blue-cheese skills here after the Norman Conquest. The Doomsday Book mentions Cheshire Cheese.

Jennifer Grumbridge from The Cheese Shop, Castle Road, has survived the onslaught of the supermarkets by supplying a product which they do not, namely British Farm Cheese. These cheeses are made mostly by traditional hand-made methods, using unpasteurised milk produced from cows on the farm. Their flavours vary according to grazing and climate - Jennifer likened them to wine - you can have good and bad years for cheese! She invited our patronage throughout, but there was no need because the cheeses we tasted were sufficient encouragement!

Margaret Jones proudly displayed a medal which was her reward for completing the 'Moon Walk' - a midnight marathon through London in aid of breast cancer by 15,000 women wearing their bras! Congratulations to Margaret who was delighted to receive a donation!

Parish Council Meeting         Maggie Spoor

Two new Councillors, Peter Hartop and Chris Poulter, were welcomed to the Council. David Cook was elected Chairman, Michael Thomas Vice Chairman. The new bus shelters have been ordered. The company will contact David Cook when they are ready to be put up. Grants of over £4000 have been obtained.

The post box in Felmersham will be repainted by the Post Office.

The Clerk reported that weekly lists of planning applications can be viewed on the Borough's website at www.bedford.qov.uk/planninq.

The undergrowth in Hunts Lane is to be trimmed. Drains in the parish should be emptied regularly, but many are still being missed. Representation is being made to the County Council over this. Our allocation for repairs to pavements in the parish is £4000. Repair to the pavement on the High Road from Trinity Close to Hunts Lane was discussed. The possibility of a footpath in Pavenham Road has been investigated, but the road is not wide enough,

The possibility of preparing a Parish Plan through the Countryside Agency's Vital Villages initiative was discussed. Preparing a Parish Plan gives everyone the chance to say how the community sees itself developing over the next few years, and a chance to say what they think about social, economic and environmental issues. Read more about Parish Plans at www.countryside.gov.uk/vital_v_illaqes

Next Council meeting will be on
Tuesday 1
July at 7.30 pm in Pinchmill Hall.

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Page last updated: 06/07/03  Ouse News is published by St Mary's PCC

Ouse News will print anything of interest to the community not just reports of past village activities or reminders of forthcoming ones. Feedback on any of the items published would be most welcome – whether for printing or not.
Items for next month's Ouse News should be sent to the editor: Clive Just, 2 The Old Rectory by the 25th of the month. It would help if items were emailed to OuseNews@bigfoot.com; sent on disk; or typed. Phone 781967 for more details.