A Testing Time - Rev David Mason This is the time of year when many are involved in examinations. Pupils struggle at trying to learn in a few weeks the work that they have been doing during the year, much mid-night oil is burned, and many go round with tired and apprehensive looks, and also with uncertain tempers. Some will, no doubt, be regretting the time that they have not kept up to date with their work; some will be regretting the times that they have spent the time that should have been spent in work on other more enjoyable pastimes. Teachers face the prospects of heavy marking loads, and of what the outcome of their pupils examinations will be. In Universities and Colleges the process is being repeated, many will be sweating on the outcome of their labours. Indeed this may be seen by many as a real time of trial. To all who are involved in these processes we send our sympathies and hopes that the outcomes will be satisfactory. Throughout our lives we all face times of trial, times when we are tested in the various aspects of our lives. We all may regret the time that we have not kept up to date with our work, our relationships, or the many other aspects of life that demand our attention to detail. There are times when the unexpected event demonstrates our un-preparedness, our failure to keep up to date. This is true in our spiritual life as much as any other part of life. Indeed it is at times of comfort and apparent security that we are most likely to neglect the important work of maintaining our relationship with God. No one who listens to the news or reads the papers can fail to be aware that we live in dangerous times. But in our comfortable lives there is the temptation to believe that we are alright, and safe from those dangers which affect so much of the world. The Scout Association motto is `Be Prepared’, a good motto for all of us. The setting of some part of each day in which we seek to maintain and develop the relationship with God through prayer and the study of his word will do much to maintain our spiritual health and preparedness, so that when the unexpected happens we will be able to respond, and to seek God’s help, knowing that our relationship with him is established and ready. A relationship that is neglected is in danger of weakening and dying. We must therefore work to maintain our spiritual as well as our physical and mental health in good condition. The Wildlife Trust - Pam Raven Bedford Park’ with David Alderman County Arboricultural Officer. Meet 7 p.m. at West Gates of Bedford Park, Park Avenue, Bedford. Deanery Visit Diocese of St Albans, the Bishop of Saint Albans will be visiting every deanery in the diocese. On Sunday 9 June we will be hosting the visit to Sharnbrook Deanery. There will be a chance to meet the Bishop in the afternoon in the garden of Riverside House, by kind permission of Tom and Jane Wells, and at 6.30 pm there will be a service in the Church at which the Bishop will give the address. The Bishop is willing to take part in an informal question and answer session after the service. Offers of help in providing tea and refreshments or helping on the day will be gratefully received by the Church Wardens or myself. Mill Theatre, Sharnbrook Theo Gibbs Help give The Mill Theatre Disabled Access Fund a lift. Gail Thorburn one of our more intrepid members will fulfil a lifetime’s ambition this summer for this important cause . . . A SPONSORED PARACHUTE JUMP. A cushion of fivers would be wonderful to land on! To sponsor Gail (not necessarily with a flyer) please contact Erica Lester 781210 or Theo Gibbs 782377..Thank you in advance for your support — happy landing Gail! Shakespeare at The Globe - Twelfth Night - Fri. 21st June. Pickup at Mill Theatre 4 pm or in Bedford. £29 / £31 I £35 including coach. Phone 781210.
Pinchmill Pre-School Home Watch - Joan White/Paul Keeble During the last few months’ dwellings in both Felmersham and Radwell have suffered burglaries. The weekly Trend Sheet issued by Bedford Home Watch conjunction with the Police show thieves are regularly attacking dwellings n North Beds villages, so everyone is asked to be vigilant over security of property. There is a trend for garden shed and garage burglaries. You are advise to keep items of value in a shed if at all possible. Valuable items lawnmowers, should be secured to anchor points on the floor by good chains and padlocks. Always ensure a shed is fitted with a good quality padlock/locking bar a areas fitted with key operated locks or fit wire mesh or bars inside around a shed using either a photoelectric sensitive cell or a passive light detecting heat movement can also be an effective crime prevention measure. Distraction Burglaries are on the increase especially where elderly per~ alone. Callers should not be admitted without appointment and identification. Car Crime — car keys are being taken from inside dwellings so a modern car can be stolen. Always hide car keys from view inside a home to stop opportunist thefts. This is particularly important for owners/users of upmarket makes of cars. Home Watch Co-ordinators Felmersham - Joan White; Radwell - Paul Keeble Use Local Transport - Use The Villager Jeff Stokley, A reminder that this local community service bus operates a series of regular scheduled services, specially designed to meet local residents’ transport needs by providing links with shopping and market centres in the region which are not necessarily covered by normal public bus services. For residents who qualify for Bedford Borough Council bus passes, maximum fares are only 4Op one-way 80p return - a bargain by any standard nowadays. This amenity is run by volunteers, supported by the County and Borough Councils as well as most of the North Beds villages. On most services it is possible to reserve a seat in advance by phoning County Hall on 228337 Mondays to Fridays. Bookings close at 4.00 pm on the day before the service. Its cheap and convenient - no parking problems - and many regular users find it fun and sociable, too. Why not give The Villager a try? Timetables, with route details, are available by ringing 781920: leave a message with your name and address on the answerphone. The 16-seater bus can also be used for private hire - call Pat Asbery on 720594. Due to poor quality of copy it is not possible to scan the rest of Ouse News. |
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Ouse News will print anything of interest to the community not just reports of past village
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