Golden Jubilee Celebrations Radwell villagers held a street party
in Moor
End Road on Monday 3 June to celebrate the Queen’s Golden Jubilee
There were fancy dress competitions, races, games, free teas, best
decorated house competition and other activities. Felmersham village
held a barbecue and a tug of war on the Bank Holiday Saturday. On the
Sunday an exhibition of old parish photos and children’s artwork were
displayed in the church followed in the evening by a service of Praise
and Thanksgiving and a Loyal Toast to Her Majesty the Queen. All the events held over the weekend of lst-3rd June were a success and were enjoyed by many people from the parish. The Parish Council Golden Jubilee Committee would like to thank everyone for making these events memorable, and also to thank all those who became involved in the organisation or contributed in other ways. Prizewinners in the various competitions held over the
weekend are listed below. We have two certificates which we can not
deliver as we do not have surnames or addresses for the winners: these
are for Matthew, 1st in the 11-16 Egg & Spoon race, and Oliver, 3rd
in the 7-10 Fancy Dress. Please contact Edith Caldwell (781160) or
Maxine Boswell (782128) so that we can deliver them. Bishop’s Visit Moths Galore: The Felmersham Tiger The
Black Panther - from http://www.felmersham
net/soapbox. htm Has anyone else spotted the ‘black panther’
around Felmersham? The following two references are edited from the originals on
Soapbox: I’ve seen the black panther twice (once with a
friend so I have a witness) and apparently the family who live at
Dropshort have seen it quite a few times. I have seen the black panther and it is
certainly no figment of the imagination. I stood about 5 yards away from
it whilst it was asleep in the sun. My dog found it and woke it up and
then ran away rather rapidly!!!. It was in the fields near the golf
course around harvest 2000. I have
never told anybody for fear of being labeled stupid. I thought it was a
puma, is there any difference? I am certain that it wasn’t a dog or a
cat. I have only seen it once so I guess it has gone away. Sharnbrook News,
26 High Street, Sharnbrook. Charge: £1.00 Most cash withdrawn in a single day was £330,779,441
on 21st December 2001. Emily Dodd, 1916 - 2002 |
Chris Ure The P3 group met at the end of May to install
the two new map boards for Felmersham and Radwell and they are both now in pride
of place. The map was designed by David Cardy and the
photographs were taken by David, Laurie Jones and Ken Shrimpton. The map
had to be produced by David Cardy on his home printer because the copies
made by commercial printers were either poor colour quality or low
definition For this reason, we are not sure how durable the colour will
be to sunlight. If anyone knows of a printer who can provide high
definition digital printing, would they please let David know. Vegetation clearance was also recently
undertaken at FP6 (Carlton Road) and FP7 (Grange Road) and thanks to
David and Sue Cardy, a fallen tree was removed that was obstructing the
footpath at FP6. My thanks to all the P3 team for their continued
commitment and hard work. One of our members has had to leave recently
and another will be moving away from the area later in the year, so if
anyone is interested in joining the group, you would be most welcome.
Please give me a ring on 782126. Mums & Tots
Lisa Parrish The Mums and Tots Group runs on Tuesdays from
2-3.30pm in the Pre-School room at Pinchmill school (term-time only) for
children aged from 0-3 years. Parents please feel welcome to drop in and
join us for a cup of tea. Lots of activities and songs and a great
opportunity for your child to experience playing with other children.
For more information contact Jo (782139) or Lisa (783070). Golden Jubilee commemorative medals for under
16's - names
needed The Parish Council Jubilee Committee has a
Golden Jubilee commemorative medal for every young person up to the age
of 16 in the parish of Felmersham & Radwell. As we do not have a
comprehensive list of under-16 residents of the parish, in order to
avoid anyone being missed, we would be grateful if parents or young
people under 16 could please complete the form below and return to
either Maxine Boswell, Broom Cottage, Moor End Road, Radwell or Edith
Caldwell, 6 Tithe Barn, Felmersham. When we have a complete list a date will be
arranged for collection of the medals from the village hall and we also
hope to display photos of Golden Jubilee events on this occasion. If
anyone has photos of the events which we could borrow for this, please
contact either Maxine or Edith. Coffee Morning
Jane Wells The
coffee morning for July in aid of the Felmersham Church Restoration Fund
will be held at the home of Ken and Lorraine Shrimpton, I Trinity Close,
Felmersham on Saturday 6th July at 1030am. Contributions of home made
cakes, toiletries, produce, and bric-a-brac for the bring and buy stall
will be most welcome. Everyone is welcome. There will be no coffee
morning in August. Pre-School
Jumble Sale
Hilary ZiaulIah Thank you to everyone who supported the jumble
sale in aid of Pinchmill Preschool, including those who donated such
top-quality jumble, those who helped to organise and run the stalls, and
those who came along to spend. Particular thanks go to those helpers who
are not normally involved in pre-school activities, but who generously
lent a hand on the day. We raised over £330. Faulty
Sally Carr Do
you have interference on your phone line? BT think my equipment might
be Broadband Internet Access BT have a program for providing broadband ADSL a
high speed always on internet connection - however Sharnbrook, the exchange which serves
Felmersham, is not even scheduled for upgrading yet. If there is enough
demand in a particular location, however, BT will adjust their
installation plans. If you are keen on subscribing for this service then
please email ousenews@bigfoot.com with ADSL on the subject line.
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Ouse News will print anything of interest to the community not just reports of past village
activities or reminders of forthcoming ones. Feedback on any of the items published
would be most welcome – whether for printing or not. Ouse News is published free by Felmersham Parochial Church Council |