Ouse News on line
      The Parish Magazine on line  January/February 2005
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Ouse News is published by Felmersham Parochial Church Council and Sponsored by
Chesham Insurance Brokers

Lent course of Addresses - Rev David Mason
The Archdeacon will be giving our Lenten Addresses in the Deanery this year. The Series is entitled `The Characters of the Passion, and will be given during Evening Prayer at Bletsoe on 13 February, Thurleigh on 20 February, Pertenhall on 27 February and Odell on 6 March, all services beginning at 6.OOpm. I commend these addresses and services to you.

Loving your neighbour - David G Mason
A belated Happy New Year to all of you. Traditionally the beginning of a new year is a time to look back at the old year, and to look forward to the coming year. The old year ended in sadness as we learned about the tsunami in the East, the great loss of life, and the damage that it has done to the countries involved. The pictures that we have seen as the event occurred and then as the work of seeking and identifying the dead and the clearing of the damage have shown us the terrible effects of the great waves, and reminded us of the power that can be released by natural events. The loss of life of those who went to enjoy the great ~ beauty and the holiday attractions has also been a great shock to us all.
The response throughout the world gives some hope that out of this terrible event may come so good as people realize their interdependence, and begin to learn the true meaning of loving our neighbour. Our world is so small through the developments in communication technology and transport that we can all be so easily affected by events that in previous ages would have hardly have even been known about. Now we have seen all too well how a natural disaster in even a very distant part of the world can impact directly on people we know and care for in our own communities. In our sadness about the loss of life and terrible damage let us at least find some hope in the reaction of those who have worked so hard to help and to give time, goods and money to help in easing the suffering and bring help to those who have lost so much. Let us try to build on this realization of our duty to our neighbour, whoever and wherever they may be. Jesus stated that we are to love God, and to love our neighbour as ourselves. As we see the second part of the commandment being observed by so many let us pray that that we may also be led to love God, and to recognize his presence with those who suffer in body, mind or spirit.
The Leader for the December edition of the Ouse News was written by Chris Ure, I am sorry that it was wrongly attributed.

We've done It - Sue Wright
After a busy Christmas break Pinchmill Pre-School - Fleur's Garden was ready to open the doors of its new building to the children on 10th January 2005, 30 years after the original pre-school (or playgroup as it was then known) was founded. We will hold a formal opening ceremony in the spring when everyone will be invited to come and visit. The children have wasted no time in enjoying the new facilities, from the wide range of toys that are now available for them to use on a daily basis to the smart new child-sized toilets that are easy to use - we got through a lot of toilet paper on the first dayll!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped us in any way, no matter how small, whether by donating cash, supporting our fundraising events or giving up their spare time to help renovate the portakabin. However, there are a few people, without whom we would not have been able to open on time. Our special thanks go to Don Stevenson, our structural engineer, Jeremy Carr, our project manager and Martin Blizard, our electrician who have all given their expertise and a great deal of their time freely to our project since the summer. Of course, we would have had no building to renovate if it weren't for the kind donation of the Portakabin by Martin Hewlett. Last but definitely not least, the parents and committee would also like to thank Christine Callaghan, our pre-school leader. She has worked tirelessly for several years now, trying to raise money, sorting out paperwork and rallying support so that we could realise our dream of operating out of our own building.

Coffee Morning - Jane Wells
Please note the change of venue for the February Church Coffee Morning. It will now be held at the home Mel and Caroline Scott, on Saturday 5 February at 10.30am.
The Coffee Morning for March in aid of the Church Organ fund will be held at the home of Alleyne and Margaret Leach, on Saturday 5 March at 10.30 am. Home made cakes, toiletries, produce and bric-a-brac for the bring and buy stall will be greatly appreciated. All welcome.

W.I. - May Mills
Yoga in a chair - some of us were grateful for the chance to spend half an hour or so sitting in a chair relaxing, and some of us had difficulty imagining a gold ball on a chain, despite our normal deftness at multi-tasking! Rita Horridge had her work cut out controlling the innate gigglers and compulsive talkers, as she led us through the exercises, but nevertheless we did achieve intermittent periods of silence! Some of us even took on board the mantra of the 'three Rs': respect yourself; respect others; responsibility for your own actions.
At the instigation of the W.I. and in particular, our President, Karen Stokley, Christmas lights were installed on the trees by the bus shelter. A contribution from the W.I. together with two personal donations enabled the Parish CouncG to carry out the work.

Trek Kilimanjaro - Helen Mulvanerty
On 15th October 2005 I am leaving the comforts of my home to trek up Mt. Kilimanjaro, this is a major challenge with the peak being at 5896m it is a 10 day trek which I am completing in aid of Cancer Research UK.
For me there are three parts this challenge: First, I have to raise £2,000 for Cancer Research UK (I am personally contributing £1,500 to cover my travel expenses). Secondly I have to get fit through a training programme (the hard part!) and, thirdly do the challenge itself. The money raised by this trek will be put towards research into finding treatments to cure cancer faster, get treatment to patients more quickly and train more cancer scientists, doctors and nurses.
My first fundraising event is a Barn Dance at Oakley Village Hall at 7.30 on the 4th March. Supper will be provided, however you need to bring your own drinks, the ticket price is £7 each and there will also be a raffle on the night. If you would like to come to the Barn Dance - please contact me on 07766 887247.

The Ruth Rankin Sunflower/Scarecrow Competition - Peter Rankin
By the time this is published in the Ouse News it will be well into 2005. However I am writing this on the last day of 2004 thinking back to July 0 which was, of course, the day of the "Competition Tea." The whole event was a resounding success and we would like to continue with it once again in 2005.
In 2004 we had almost 50 participants for the sunflower competition in addition to the 13 scarecrows which adorned our front lawn. There were nearly 80 people in attendance - a far cry from the initial number, four years previously, of two. To remind you, the largest sunflower was grown by Adam Parrott (Adam, I hope you have engraved your name on the trophy before you hand it over this year!) and the winning scarecrow was Di and Pete Stephenson's truly magnificent pirate.
To continue to host this truly village event we do NEED SOME HELP. As Edison said to his staff "Many hands make light work." The areas which come to mind are as follows:
Judging - Sunflowers & Scarecrows * Photographs * Games for children and adults * Prizes - purchasing/wrapping/allocating Refreshments  *  Tables/chairs, etc,  *  General dogsbody
If anyone will help we would be very grateful. None of the tasks are onerous. We will, by the way, be bringing back by popular demand the sideshow "Shoot the Teddy" in addition to the recently purchased roulette wheel which will run alongside the established "Roll the 2p" game donated by the Greenish clan.
Would anyone volunteer to clean our cooker, the house and also cut the grass and tidy up the garden for the 3 months prior to and after the event............ ... We look forward to receiving your phone calls on 782897!!

Village Hall - Janet Cook
The Committee needs a Treasurer and a Secretary. We are sure that there are people in the community who would be happy to fill either position, so please don't be shy. Degrees, qualifications, etc. are not required. - just common sense and a desire to play a part in helping our community. Please phone Janet Cook, Chairman, on 781373

Tsunami Appeal - Pat Keeble
On Saturday 12th February there will be a grand coffee morning to support the Tsunami Appeal. Groups and clubs within the two villages are helping out and among the attractions are a Cake/Bring and Buy Stall, Raffle and Tombola. Donations for any of these stalls are very welcome and can be brought to Pinchmill Village Hall on the morning of the 12th February from 10 am. The coffee morning will run from 10-12 noon. Do come and support us in this appeal.

Goodwill Children's Homes - Rosalind and Jane Templeman
Thank you so much for your wonderful generosity in bringing so many lovely gifts to the Carol Service, for the children at Bapatla. We have naturally delayed sending the gifts until now because of the Boxing Day tragedy, but a recent phone call to the administrator of Goodwill has established that all the children are safe, and that we can now send off our presents. Thank you once again.
We have had a further request from the charity. Much of their work is concerned with children and families in Tamil Nadu. This is a region very badly affected by the tsunami, and Goodwill have had to divert some of their money and resources towards help for those areas worst affected, especially one isolated fishing community whose needs had been overlooked. Such a diversion of funds has had a temporary impact on their usual work and provision for children in the Goodwill homes and outreach programmes further inland.
They have adequate supplies of domestic goods, but have expressed a need for good quality children's clothing (boys / girls - ages 3-11 years). Shorts, Tshirts, skirts, dresses, blouses and underwear (but not socks) are all needed for the children they are supporting (including the coastal communities.) They have also asked us to mention an ongoing project - to provide good quality warm cardigans, jumpers and fleeces for the children in the Tamil Nadu homes, which are at high altitude.
Jane will be running a Goodwill stall at the tsunami relief event on 12th February, and will be delighted to give you further news. We would be very glad to receive any children's clothing, including 'woollies', which you might be able to donate. Sponsorship forms and other information will be available, and any monetary donations would be most welcome.
With our thanks, and the thanks of Goodwill, who are extremely appreciative of your continuing support for the children in their care. [PS If you have a penchant for knitting, Goodwill would love to have you in their knitting circle]

Breakthrough Breast Cancer - Michael Jefferson
I would like to thank most warmly everyone who supported our second annual fund-raising event for the charity Breakthrough Breast Cancer, and in memory of Rebecca James. Through your generosity and efforts we raised £710, bringing the total raised to over £1,500.

Thursday Afternoon Club
Since its beginning in October, the club has averaged seventeen members who have enjoyed tea, chat and entertainment. The committee have decided that the club will meet monthly on the second Thursday of every month. In January, members were entertained by Laurie Jones who showed what a skilled photographer he is with his pictures set to music - the Nature Reserve in winter was particularly stunning. The first prize in the raffle - a lovely crocheted blanket - was won by Marjorie Pipe. The next meeting is on Thursday 10th February at 3pm in the Village Hall and there is room for more members - all adults will be welcome. Please telephone Joan Thomas if you require transport - telephone 781722, Celia Hulatt 781082 Jo Morris 781430

Felmersham and Radwell Community Trust - Jeff Stokley
Details of the origin, establishment and objectives of this Trust were given in the August 2004 issue of Ouse News, and this note is to advise of progress to date. Grant payments from the Trust have been agreed, or made, to Pinchmill PreSchool, for completion of their new purpose-built accommodation to be opened this month, and to the Parochial Church Council for essential tree-lopping in the churchyard area; also for helping to pay for an audio-loop system in the church. Other projects falling within the Trust's objectives are under discussion, and a fresh report will follow when there is more to tell about them.

Concert and Flower Festival - Pat Hartop and Lorraine Shrimpton
We hope your new 2005 diary still has an empty space for June 11th and 12th. If so, perhaps you would like to pencil in the details of the Concert (by Hemingford Ladies Choir) on Saturday 11th June, and the village Flower Festival on Saturday/Sunday 11/12th June.

Community Care Scheme - Maggie Spoor
After seven years as Chairman of Felmersham and Radwell Community Care Scheme, Michael Thomas is stepping down. On behalf of the duty officers, volunteers, and, I am sure, the beneficiaries of the scheme, I would like to express our thanks and appreciation for the way he has led the group over the last seven years. Without his enthusiasm, dedication, and hard work, Community Care would not be the success it is to-day.
May I also remind everyone that Community Care's telephone number has changed as we are no longer using the pager system. The new number to ring is 07786 344176.

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Ouse News will print items of interest to the community not just reports of past village activities or reminders of forthcoming ones.
Feedback on any of the items published would be most welcome – whether for printing or not.
Items for next month's Ouse News should be sent to the editor: Clive Just, 2 The Old Rectory by the 25th of the month. It would help if items were emailed to
OuseNews@bigfoot.com; sent on disk; or typed. Phone 781967 for more details.

Online version of Ouse News additionally edited by the webmaster.
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