Ouse News is published by Felmersham Parochial Church Council and Sponsored by Chesham Insurance Brokers |
A chill in the air - Rev David Mason This month (January) has been a mixture of wet mild and cold and dry weather, the floods have been up, and the Church has been very cold. It seems sometimes that the damp is penetrating to the very heart of our bodies. The world news does nothing to bring us comfort, it seems to be one long tale of natural disasters, famines, civil strife, and the terrifying prospect of a war with uncertain outcome. We seem to have got things wrong again. It seems to be such a short time ago that the news was full of the need to produce less. Food was being produced in over-abundance with grain mountains and wine lakes. Now there are large areas of the world facing famine. There have been great technological advances, but so much of the technology is prepared for destruction rather than in improving the lot of impoverished areas of the world. The whole world is under surveillance using satellite observations, and weather forecasting has become more efficient, and yet still people suffer from unexpected and destructive storms. In spite of all good intentions we still do not work together, nations are not united, nations still put self interest before cooperation. The differential between rich and poor nations continues to widen. The gospel proclaimed by Jesus is the way in which all people of the world can live together in peace and harmony, and ensure that God’s bounteous gifts are shared so that there is plenty for all. The season of Lent begins in March. Let us this year devote time to praying and learning about the gospel way of the kingdom, so that we can all dedicate ourselves to working and praying for the establishment of that kingdom on earth. I am sure that God created us to enjoy and to develop this earth, and that following his plan will bring peace and plenty for all God’s people. And above all let us pray for peace and justice for all peoples. Felmersham Yoga Club - Hilary Foot A reminder that our Spring yoga classes begin at Pinchmill Village Hall at 730pm on Monday 24th February. You are invited to join us for six sessions on Monday evenings from 7.30 - 8.30. Please bring a yoga mat, large towel or blanket. All ranges of ability are welcome, from beginner onwards. Even if you cant make the first session, we will be pleased to see you for some or all of the others. If you have any queries, please telephone me on 781340. Coffee Morning - Jane Wells The Coffee Morning for March, in aid of the Church Restoration Fund will be held at the home of Jennifer Knowles, Long Mynd, Pavenham Road on Saturday 1 March at 10.30 am. Home made cakes, toiletries produce and bric a brac for the bring and buy stall will be greatly appreciated. All welcome. The Mill Theatre Next month’s production is AMY’S VIEW by David Hare and is on from Tuesday 11th - Saturday 15th March at 7.45 pm A diffusive, incisive, funny and moving play from one today’s finest playwrights. Esme Allen is a well-known West End actress. The visit of her daughter, Amy, with her new boyfriend sets in motion a series of events, which only find their shape 16 years later... Tickets from £7 to £9, depending on the performance, from The Village Trader, Sharnbrook (in person); Central Box Office, Bedford, 269519; (credit cards accepted); Party bookings: phone Alison Bean 781372 (10 and over, 10% discount excluding charity performances) SUMMER SCHOOL at the MILL THEATRE Aged 9-18 years? Wish to take part? It’s time for action! Following the success last year, plans are in hand for Summer School 2003 between Monday 28th July to Saturday 2nd August. So, please contact Erica Lester on 781210 to register your interest. Further details will then follow. |
W.I. - May Mills As our bursary winner to Denman College, Margaret Jones gave an entertaining account of her week-end there, learning how to paint in watercolour. The results of her highly enjoyable experience demonstrate that she learned extremely well! If you have trouble getting over the futtocks then it is not advisable to go on a voyage on a tall ship! The room was chock-a-block for Victor Manzes illustrated talk about the ‘Lord Nelson’, a 3-rigged tall ship owned by the Jubilee Sailing Trust, and equipped to take 40 voyage crew, including disabled, usually on three-week trips. He has been on 25 such voyages, and certainly did not swing the lead as he took us on a very, very long tour of the ship, at the end of which we were all languishing in the doldrums, and needed a splicing of the main brace for revival. Nevertheless, as one who has no trouble at all getting over the futtocks he can be forgiven!
Carlton and Chellington Historical Society - The Society which was formed in 1993 and now has over 100 members, holds REGULAR monthly meetings on the third Thursday of the month at 8.00 p.m., in Carlton Village Hall on topics of local or more general historical interest. During the summer months the Society organises two or three visits to historic houses or other places of historic interest. The first meeting this year will be on 20th February and is an illustrated talk by Stuart Antrobus on Bedfordshire in World War II Please contact me on 781649 for further information. Booking Secretary required - Janet Cook The Village Hall requires a new Booking Secretary. As a temporary measure Mrs Marjorie Pipe will deal with any bookings, but we would like someone permanent. There is a small remuneration for this task. to cover expenses, so if you are interested please phone Janet Cook (Chairman) on 781373 or Peter Rankin (Secretary) on 782897. Village Hall Committee A.G.M. The Felmersham and Radwell Village Hall Committee A G.M will be held on Wednesday 19th March at 8 pm in the village hall. This is your village hall and the committee needs people to help with running it. Please come to the meeting and give your support. Mums & Tots Group at Pinchmill School The Mums & Tots Group welcomes children from 0-3yrs (and parents!) on Tuesdays between 2pm and 330pm in the Pre-School room at Pinchmill School. If you are thinking of sending your child to Pinchmill, this is good opportunity for your child to get used to the school environment and to other children of the same age. Mums and Tots benefits from all the facilities available to the Pre-School group. Its informal and fun, so do come along For further information, please contact Jo Goodman 782139. ARTISTS AND CRAFTSMEN — Help us to help you! We are pleased to provide exhibition space in the Clubroom of The Mill Theatre for the sale of paintings or other craft items, this in return for a donation of 10% of sales towards our Disabled Access Fund. The 4 principal shows each year run for between 5-9 performances with audiences of up to 95 patrons. Interested? Please contact Enica or Peter Lester on 781210.
QUIZ NIGHT with Fish and Chips Reckon you know all about sport? Keen on cuisine? Is geography your forte? Or do you specialise in TV soaps? Then forget pumping iron and come and flex those brain cells instead in a quiz organized by the Pinchm ill School Association. Teams of 8 maximum are welcome or simply team up on the night. There will be a licensed bar and a raffle. Tickets priced £5, including fish and chips, are available from Jane Jones (823359), Miranda Doggett (782234), Laura Blakemore (824304) or from Mrs Wildman in the school office. Final numbers and any dietary requirements must be known by Friday 21st February. |
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