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      The Parish Magazine  August 2003
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Ouse News is published by Felmersham Parochial Church Council and Sponsored by Chesham Insurance Brokers

Felmersham & Radwell Autumn Show
To be held on Sunday 7th September 2003 in Pinchmill Hall open 2.30 - 5.00 pm
(judging from 11.00 am)

Classes for Everyone  ◊  Prizes for every Class
Link to Autumn Show
With God's grace  -  Chris Ure

Last summer we visited the family home, now a museum, of the late Corrie Ten Boom in Haarlem, Holland, the house she used as a hiding place for Jews escaping persecution during the second world war.
Behind her bedroom wall was a secret chamber in which she concealed those who were seeking refuge. Eventually, she was arrested and taken to Ravensbruck concentration camp, where she suffered unimaginable brutality and humiliation.
But, what was particularly moving about her story was the strength of her faith and her courage. The Anne Frank story is also inspiring of course; but Anne had no choice, whereas Come Ten Boom did. She chose to take risks for something she passionately believed was right.
She did what she believed Jesus would have done in the same situation. Many of us would have undoubtedly taken the same risks for our own loved ones but would we have been so willing to risk our lives in that way for total strangers?
Although members of her family perished in captivity, Come Ten Boom survived the horrors of Ravensbruck and for many years travelled the world telling her story, a story of hope and forgiveness.
Corrie Ten Boom lived by her faith but in her own words, she was not an exceptional person, she was an ordinary one. When the challenge came, she responded. And, in the midst of the severest punishment and degradation possible, she quite simply held on to the belief that God would supply grace for her need.
God doesn't always provide us with the solutions we seek but as Come Ten Boom so profoundly demonstrated, God's grace is always sufficient and His power is made perfect in our weakness. (2 Corinthians 12.9)

Family Service  -  Rev David Mason
In September we will be using a new family service. The main difference to the present service is that instead of including Communion in the Service a separate but related and short Communion Service will be held later in the morning, about half an hour after the end of the family service.

Parish Council Meeting 15 July  -   Maggie Spoor
David Cook has a fine gavel - he had it made from a piece of churchyard yew. Installation of the bus shelters has been delayed
Members of the Standards Committee have been elected, these are Jim Blakemore, Grant Willlams and George Rowland.
Peter Hartop reported on the `Future of the Lanes' seminar. This concerned the urbanisation and the pressure the increase in traffic has on country lanes. Urbanisation issues covered kerbing, urban-style gateways, walls and fences, advertising boards, unsuitable choice of hedge, over-signage, etc., etc. In the Chilterns and Norfolk 'quiet lanes' have been created with speed limits reduced to 20/30 mph, making it more pleasant for everyone to enjoy the countryside.
Cars are still being parked across the footpath at the junction of the High Road and Grange Road, this is dangerous as it obscures vision at this junction. Councillors voted to ask for bollards to be installed - although in view of the previous report it was suggested that these should at least be wooden!
The reflectors on Felmersham bridge need replacing, Marriotts Close steps need repairing.
Councillors discussed the 'Vital Villages' project. Chris Poulter, Peter Hartop and Maggie Spoor will meet to put together an action plan.
The refuse collection vehicles will be in the parish on 27'h September from 3.005.00 pm and on 28`h September from 1.00 - 3.00 pm.
Date of next Parish Council meeting 2nd September at 7.30 pm in Pinchmill Hall.

Carlton and Chellington Historical Society Mike Benson On Thursday August 7th there will be an illustrated talk in Carlton Village Hall on "The Great Train Robbery of !963" given by John Wooley who was one of the first policemen at the scene of the robbery. The robbery took place almost exactly 40 years ago, on August 8th. Phone me on 781649 for further information.

Women's Institute  -  Joan Ure
You are invited to journey back in time to enjoy an evening of Victorian Magic Lantern entertainment. Local enthusiast Aleck Foster will bring with him examples of his rare collection of magic lanterns to provide a fascinating glimpse into a bygone age where you will enjoy some of the earliest examples of projected images.
This is an open meeting hosted by Felmersham and Radwell WI at 8pm on Tuesday 15th September at Pinchmill Hall. Entry is free and everyone is welcome (men: women and children!).
Village Fair and Show  -  Maggie Spoor
The Village Fair and Show will be held on Sunday 7th September - not the 6th as previously advertised.
The Village Hall Committee are working hard to put together a programme of family fun and activities to be held on Harrodene Paddock during the afternoon. (There is talk of a tug-of-war re-match between Radwell and Felmersham)
The Autumn Show will be in the Village Hall with classes for Fruit; Flowers, Vegetables, Craft, Cookery and Photography. There are separate classes for children - so no excuses for being bored during the summer holidays!
Look out for the Schedules which are being delivered from list August. If you have not received one please contact Bill Pearce 782182. Janet Cook 781373 or Maggie Spoor 782031.

E-Rural Computer Training  -  Michael Thomas
Once again parish residents have the chance to be introduced to the opportunities the computer can offer, or improve their skills with expert tuition.
Between January and June this year, 18 local residents have already completed a course of computer training in this purposely equipped BRCC bus. There is now an opportunity to extend this training from October 2003
90 minute tuition sessions will be held on the bus each Friday morning at Felmersham Village Hall, using professional tuition on up to date equipment: including Internet facilities for the first time. The sessions will be segregated as far as possible under the following headings, to enable certification to be made at the end of the course - Beginning ; Database : Word Processing ; Publishing ; Spreadsheets ; Internet
If you are interested to improve your computer skills from October, please contact me on 781722 to enable me to develop a time-table to suit your needs.

Church Coffee Morning  -  Jane Wells
There is no Church Coffee Morning in August.
The Church Coffee Morning for September in aid of the Church Heating Fund will be held at the home of Tony and Jo Morris, Town Lot Corner, Town Lot Lane, Felmersham on Saturday 6th at 10.30am. Home made cakes, toiletries, produce and bric-a-brac for the bring and buy stall will be greatly appreciated. All welcome

Village Hall Coffee Morning Bill Pearce The Village Hall Committee will be holding a coffee morning at the Hall on Saturday August 16'" from 10:30am. This will provide an opportunity to finalise arrangements for the Village Fair and Show on Sunday 7"n September and for you to give us your ideas for the Fair. It is two years since the last Autumn Show and even longer since we had a Summer Fete. Please come to the coffee morning and help us to make September 7" a memorable day.
W. I. -  May Mills
You can think of several uses for Vaseline, but what would you be doing with Vaseline and a handful of jelly bears - followed by a cold bath?! Oliver Gavin confidently revealed all during his excellent account of his preparation for, and participation in, the London Marathon. The first hurdle was actually gaining entry to the race which is notoriously difficult, but he was accepted by the Arthritis Research Campaign, who are given 20 Gold Bond Places on the condition that he raise £1,500 in sponsorship. Motivation was not a problem as he was determined to beat a friend's time of three and a half hours, and the benefits of his motor-racing fitness regime became apparent as he entered into the rigours of training. He captured the anticipation, the excitement, the atmosphere, the huge behind-the-scenes organisation, the ups (spotting his family in the crowd) and the downs (hitting the wall at 19 miles), the ultimate euphoria and sense of achievement - the whole essence of the Marathon. He raised over £4,500 and should be very proud of his time of 3 hours 28 minutes. The sugar in the jelly bears gave him a boost during the race, and the cold bath was necessary to restrict damage to legs and muscles. The Vaseline - that's a secret!

Arthritis Research Campaign  -  Jennifer Knowles
£258.38 was raised in the recent house-to-house collection. Grateful thanks to all who contributed and to the collectors: Mary Freeman, Celia Hulatt, Sheila McKenzie, Valerie Sexton, Marigold Sykes, Betty Taylor and Kanzi Zaki.

Village Postman  - Alan Hubbard
By the time you read this, our village postie, Steve Dillingham and his partner Victoria, will have attended one of the Queen's Garden Parties held at Buckingham Palace (on the 22 July to be precise). This is due to some of the villagers' writing in to various authorities following Steve's fund raising last Christmas on behalf of Fleur and her family. Steve would like to thank every one who took the trouble to write in on his behalf it was greatly appreciated

Emmaus Village Carlton  -  Peter Baldwin
It has been a busy summer so far at the Emmaus Community in Carlton The donated goods which have been recycled into the Bric-a-Brac shop and Furniture Showroom have revealed an amazing variety of finds. from china and glass to books, bicycles, furniture and much, much more. Unlike other charity outlets, we can accept electrical goods which are PAT tested on site before being sold.
The new Community Leaders Alan and Maureen manage the developments on the site and look after the needs of the 12 Companions (residents) whose home the Community is, who work to maintain it, keep it looking good, and refurbishing the constant supply of donated goods. Any reader who is interested in becoming a Volunteer to support this exciting venture should ring the Community on 720826. If you haven't vet visited us, then dc come along The Community is open to the public from Wednesday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm You will be surprised at what you will find!
The Bistro continues to flourish, offering snacks and full meals, tea and coffee, and - yes our highly popular and now famous Pavlova, made daily. Fresh free-range eggs laid by the Community's own hens are available most days on a first come, first served basis in return for a donation to Emmaus.
Pinchmill Pre-School Appeal - August Update Christine Callaghan We have had a fantastic response to our door-to-door collection and we would like to warmly thank everyone who has made a donation or offered their services. So far we have raised £1,800 and money is still coming in. We are also grateful to those who have shown an interest in the project and given constructive comments and suggestions. Any concerns raised by individuals in the community have been taken on board by the Pre School Committee, Ground works and drainage will be in place shortly and the pre-school building is expected to arrive before the end of August! We will keep you informed of our progress

Felmersham and Radwell P3 Group  -  Chris Ure
At the July meeting, three new members were welcomed to the group Brian and Liz Conibere of St Mary's Close and Kitty Warburton of Bailey's Villas. The group membership now totals thirteen
Members agreed to provide extra help for a group of BTCV volunteers who are working in the village under the Ivel and Ouse Countryside Project' which is a major scheme seeking to improve access along the Ouse Valley Way from Huntingdonshire to Milton Keynes. The work will include the installation of a number of kissing gates, way marker posts, finger posts and the replacement of some stiles in both Felmersham and Radwell.
Carol Stork, on behalf of the group is feeding back to the consultation on 'Rights of Way Improvement Plans' (ROWIP) undertaken by Bedfordshire County Council concerning the size, distribution, accessibility and conditions of local rights of way.
New tools and equipment are being purchased by the group and several 'work days' are being planned by Danny Mariner to clear vegetation and keep the footpaths accessible. Following the request of a local resident, dog latches are to be installed along the Pinchmill Islands footpath.
A new leaflet is being considered to complement the existing map boards. The leaflet would be based on the map board design and would include illustrations of the village, the parish footpaths and local wildlife. The maps for the map boards are also being reprinted and the group hopes to have them installed before the end of the summer.
The next meeting will be held at The Old Plough at 7 45 p.m. on Thursday 23rd October 2003. New members are always welcome.

Felmersham Yoga Club -  Hilary Foot
Yoga classes restart at Pinchmill Village Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 1st September. You are invited to join us for eight sessions on Monday evenings from 730 - 8.30. Please bring a yoga mat, large towel or blanket.
All ranges of ability are welcome, from beginners onwards. Even if you can't make the first session, we will be pleased to see you for some or all of the others. If you have any queries, please telephone me on 781340.

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Page last updated: 06/09/03  Ouse News is published by St Mary's PCC
 Ouse News will print anything of interest to the community not just reports of past village activities or reminders of forthcoming ones. Feedback on any of the items published would be most welcome – whether for printing or not.
Items for next month's Ouse News should be sent to the editor: Clive Just, 2 The Old Rectory by the 25th of the month. It would help if items were emailed to OuseNews@bigfoot.com; sent on disk; or typed. Phone 781967 for more details.