Ouse News on line
      The Parish Magazine on line March 2005
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Ouse News is published by Felmersham Parochial Church Council and Sponsored by
Chesham Insurance Brokers

Felmersham and Radwell Community Care
Caring for those in need

  Short term help for anyone in the parish, using the service of local volunteers - 07786 344176

New Life - David G Mason
I am writing this on a dull wet morning in Holy Week. Depressing weather in a week when we are remembering the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus. It is also a time when I am thinking about death, death of people from our parish, death of friends and relatives. It would be so easy to become as depressed as the weather appears to be. And yet although we may in our sadness see the rain as tears, yet we remember that it is also the sustainer of life. It has been so dry recently that fears of a water shortage in the summer have been expressed. We realize that rain is essential for the life and health of our countryside, and also ultimately for our own health and well being.
There are times when death can seem so cruel, when one who seems to still have so much living to do dies. We cannot see reason or make sense of our loss. Perhaps we can at these times appreciate how the disciples felt in that time between the crucifixion of Jesus and the resurrection. A time when all seemed to be lost, all hope and expectation dashed. For the disciples the loss and sadness was turned to joy as Jesus appeared to them, he was alive, his promises were true. But in our own sadness at the loss of our loved ones it can be difficult to take in the relevance of our Lord's resurrection to our own situation. And yet the promise of Jesus is that those who follow him will be with him in his Father's house, that they will have everlasting life. The promises of Jesus were proved to be true, he did indeed rise from the dead, He walked and talked with the disciples after his resurrection.
Jesus promises were true, we have to take in trust and faith that we too will be with our Lord, and with our loved ones, in our Father's house after we have died. We have, as followers of our Lord, the gift of eternal life given us though grace. We do not have to earn salvation, it is God's gift to us. The sky is still grey, the rain continues to fall, but we know that the earth will benefit from the rain, we know that the sun will shine again. We know that Jesus rose from the dead on that first Easter Day, and we believe that we will be with our Lord in paradise at the end of our lives. I wish you all a belated Happy and Blessed Easter.
The Annual Parish Church Meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 18 April at 7.30 pm. I hope that this meeting will be well supported.

Church Flowers - David Mason
For the past six years Celia Hulatt has organised the flower rota +but she now feels she wishes to give up looking after the week by week rota but happily she will still find helpers for the major church festivals. We would like to thank Celia for all her inspiration and hard work and are grateful that she will retain the major involvement she has had.
So that we can continue to have flowers in the church throughout the year, apart from Lent and Advent, there is a list for volunteers to sign in the porch.
We would ask each arranger to be responsible for two weeks and to make sure the arrangement is kept watered throughout that time. In fact to complete the rota we only need 10 people to sign up. You don't have to be an "expert", just a love for flowers. Containers and oasis are provided.

Crocus Walk - Anne Airton
We would like to thank the 58 adults and 16 children who braved the elements to take part in our inaugural Mother's Day walk in aid of Breakthrough Breast Cancer. The grand total we raised came to £1493
A sincere thank you from Debbi and Anne to the walkers, sponsors and those brave enough to enter the decorated "Bra" competition. See you next year.

Ouse Valley Arts Festival
The festival will be held at various venues around the county and features the following: Bedford Sinfonia, Riseley Singers, Young Musicians, Ouse Valley Singers and Swing Band, Nick Page (sophisticated jazz guitarist), Cantamus with Jeni Melia and Paul Edwards, The Avenas Quartet, Voices of Spring as well as an Art & Craft Exhibition,
For more information and booking contact Central Box Office (269591) and look out for the brochures.

Parish Graffiti
The Parish Council is concerned about the graffiti and damage to the bus shelters especially since they have recently been redecorated. Please can parents advise their children against participating in this antisocial behaviour. The Parish Council does not wish to know that *** is Gay

Coffee Morning - Jane Wells
The Church Coffee Morning for May, which is held in aid of the Church Organ fund, will be held at the home Colin and Deborah Rout, on Saturday 7th' May at 10.30am.
The Coffee Morning for June will be held at the home of Geoff and Celia Hulatt, on Saturday 4th June at 10.30 am.
Home made cakes, toiletries, produce and bric-a-brac for the bring and buy stall will be greatly appreciated. All welcome.

Annual Parish Meeting - Maggie Spoor
Notes from the Annual Parish Meeting held on 1st March 2005.
The Chairmen opened the meeting by reading the decision of the Standards Board for England following a complaint against Councillor Thomas. The Ethical Standards Officer had found there was no action to be taken.
The meeting continued with reports from the Chairman, the Clerk, the Village Hall Committee, the Village Plan Committee, P3 and Pinchmill School Governors. Briefly, we heard that
• The 'Orange Bag' scheme has been so successful that people are running out of bags. David Cook has offered to keep a supply of bags in Felmersham and Paul Keeble will keep a supply in Radwell.
• Thanks to the WI and private donations, Christmas lights have been placed in the trees on Felmersham's green.
• The perennial flood alert signs are still causing unsuspecting drivers to go out of their way.
• Felmersham & Radwell Brownies have planted a tree on the Jubilee Lawn to celebrate the 90th birthday of the UK Brownies.
• Grass-cutting was the Council's single largest expenditure - but finances are sound; the Council dealt with more planning applications than ever last year.
• There have been problems with the Village Hall heating over the winter, they are taking new bookings and hope to start on the renovation of the Committee Room and the Installation of a disabled toilet. The Village Plan Questionnaire will be ready in April.
P3 now has 13 members who meet regularly; there have been signs of otters at Harrold.
Pinchmill School is part of an Eco School Scheme. So far they have cleared the Memorial Lane footpath and planted bulbs around the school. There are 69 students on roll plus a waiting list.
Residents' questions concerned the overgrown state of the footpath next to Hensmans Close; 'road widening' caused by vehicles overrunning verges and other highway issues.

The Annual Meeting was followed by a Parish Council meeting.
• There was a report from the Proposed Development Sub-Committee regarding land along The Old Road, which would provide much needed recreation and car parking facilities in exchange for two house plots.
• Work on the field at Radwell is on hold pending a report from ROSPA because of overhead electrical cables,
• The bus shelters were recently redecorated but have already suffered damage by graffiti.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 3rd May at 7.30 pm.

Parish Spring Clean - Maggie Spoor
The annual Parish 'Spring Clean' took place over the weekend 19th / 20th March. Over 60 bags of rubbish were collected this year, plus the usual car tyres, batteries, TV sets and vacuum cleaner. Very many thanks to everyone who took part for all your hard work. Special thanks to our young litter pickers in Radwell - Matilda Bosweil, Zara, Oliver and George Matthew-Bennett, Simon, Rachel, Stephen and Rhea Pearce- Roberts and Charlotte Facey.

Community Care Scheme
A reminder that Felmersham and Radwell Community Care Scheme run two important initiatives within the parish. Firstly, via the LINK-UP SCHEME we can provide, free of charge, door chains, door viewers and smoke alarms. These are fitted by our volunteers who are fully insured, have been CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) checked and carry identity cards.
Secondly, the HOUSE WATCH scheme is for residents who are away from their homes for any reason. Our volunteers will make a minimum of three visits per week to the property giving peace of mind during absence.
If you are interested in either scheme and would like more details, please contact us on 07786 344176, give your name and address to the Duty Officer and a volunteer will contact you to discuss your requirements.

Events at Harrold-Odel Country Park
Why not come along and join in some of the varied events at the Park? If you would like a walk with a special interest focus or to learn a new skill, we may have just the thing for you. You will need to ring and book yourself a place. Events are free but if you care to make a donation it will enable us to put on more of them in the future.
April: Thursday 14th 10.00am-1.00pm Pole Lathe - Practical hands-on opportunity to learn about this ancient coppice-craft method of wood turning.
May: Saturday 14th 7.00pm-9.30pm Bat Detecting - Become a bat detector, and identify which species of bat hunt for insects around the different habitats of the Park
May: Sunday 22nd 10.00am-2.00pm Harrold Country Walk - Explore the landscapes habitats and heritage with a 6 mile walk around the countryside starting and finishing at the Park.

Sharnbrook Mill Theatre - Theo Gibbs
May 13th - 21st 7.45 pm Area premiere of the 'extravagant' musical Spend, Spend, Spend! The rags to riches story of 1960's Pools winner Viv Nicholson...a tale of five husbands .. fast cars ... bankruptcy .... and booze ... Tickets £9 - 11 on sale from 4th April: Sharnbrook Post Office (in person) or Bedford Central Box Office 269519 (credit cards accepted). 10% less for 10 or more.
During 'Spend...', book in advance for Alan Ayckboume's Season's Greetings (20th - 24th September).
June 11 (NB not now 4th) 7.45 pm Nelson Mandela and Winnie - a love story, a new one person play in three acts, written and performed by Michael Prior as Nelson Mandela. One performance only at The Mill Theatre; tickets (£8) only from Bedford Central Box Office 269519 (credit cards accepted) available now. August 1st - 6th 4th successive Youth Theatre Summer School (9 - 18 years); professional tuition; concluding performance. For details and to book, please contact Erica Lester 781210.

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Ouse News will print items of interest to the community not just reports of past village activities or reminders of forthcoming ones.
Feedback on any of the items published would be most welcome – whether for printing or not.
Items for next month's Ouse News should be sent to the editor: Clive Just, 2 The Old Rectory by the 25th of the month. It would help if items were emailed to
OuseNews@bigfoot.com; sent on disk; or typed. Phone 781967 for more details.

Online version of Ouse News additionally edited by the webmaster.
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