Easter Thoughts - Rev David Mason
Father forgive them, they do not know what they are doing. Luke 23.34
Soon it will be Good Friday and Easter.
Today we have heard of yet another killing. We are increasingly
pre-occupied with terrorism, war and its consequences, and an apparent
inability of people to be able to live in peace together. We see the truth
in the saying that vengeance breeds vengeance. And this at a time, when
science and technology have developed the world and its resources far
beyond what was dreamed of in years gone by,
It seems that man is bent on returning
to the dark ages, or even on the total destruction of the planet.
As Jesus was dying on the cross he
uttered the words; 'Father forgive them, they do not know what they are
doing.' We must wonder if those involved in acts of terrorism, in acts of
revenge killing are so blinded by hatred that they cannot see that they
are perpetuating the violence which drives the participants into
entrenched positions which reduce the opportunities for the resolution of
conflict and the achievement of justice.
Our world is now so small that we are
all at risk from the acts of those whose hatred drives them to commit
terrible atrocities as the seek revenge against those that they believe
have wronged them. A relatively small group of fanatics are able to wreak
havoc and cause the loss of very many lives as we have seen in New York
and in Spain. We are alt at risk .I do not believe that there is an easy
way to resolve the situation. But I wonder how much of our present
predicament has been caused by a failure to live according to the great
commandments given to us by our Lord. Loving God first, and loving our
neighbours as ourselves must be the basis of living in peace in our world
today. Peace cannot be achieved merely by the exercise of overwhelming
military power.
When so few can cause such death and
disruption we have to find other ways of dealing with conflict. I believe
that we must return to following the way of life given by God through
Jesus if we are to find the way out of the present very dangerous position
that may affect each and every one of us. Easter is the time when we
remember Jesus' resurrection. Let it be a time when we proclaim again the
good news of Jesus, that he is alive and in the world today. Let us
proclaim the gospel message, the only way in which we can all live
together in peace to develop and share the riches of the earth that God
has given to all of us. Let us proclaim again the love of God for all his
people, and his wish for peace on earth and goodwill to all people.
Annual Meeting. The annual Parish
Church meeting takes place at the Village Hall on Monday 26 April at
Very Big Thank You - Judie
I have just completed 6 weeks of radiotherapy at Addenbrooks Hospital,
which involved daily trips there and back. I could not have driven there
myself and therefore was dependant on others for help. Many friends
offered to help but this did not cover half the trips, then the community
care group offered assistance and soon all was taken care of. To everybody
who so willingly gave up his or her time to help me a very big thank you,
I will be forever grateful.
Tesco Vouchers - Caroline Jones
Pinchmill Lower School is again collecting Tesco Computers for Schools
vouchers. The vouchers are extremely valuable to School and in previous
years have been 'swapped' for much needed IT equipment such as colour
printers. If anyone you know shops at Tesco, doesn't want the vouchers or
usually declines them, please let them know that the Pinchmill School
Committee are collecting them and that the school can put them to very
good use. Many thanks.
Ouse Meadows District Guides -
Pat Keeble
Margery Evers has been appointed President of Ouse Meadows District for
the UK Girlguiding. Margery has been associated with guiding for over 25
years and the appointment recognises her commitment to local guiding and
the various units within the District wish her well in this new role.
Summer Fair - Village Hall
The Village Hall Committee will be holding a Summer Fair in the meadow off
Memorial Lane on Sunday July 18.
We invite all village organisations to
hold stalls for the benefit of themselves - both to publicise their
activities and to raise funds. Please get in touch with Janet Cook on
781373 as soon as possible with your suggestions for a stall so that they
can be co-ordinated, or if you have any questions.
Last year we had a very enjoyable time
with races, a tug of war, teas, Tombola and a barbecue. We hope to repeat
this, with even more stalls and fun. More details next month!
Midday Supervisor
Pinchmill School Pinchmill Lower School urgently required a Midday
Supervisor to work Monday - Friday between 11:45am and 1:15pm. Please
contact Mrs G Peck, Headteacher for further details and an application
Coffee Morning - Jane Wells
The Church Coffee Morning for April, in aid of the Church Heating Fund, is
at the home of Pat and Peter Hartop, on 3 April at 10.30am. Home made
cakes, toiletries, produce and bric-a-brac for the bring and buy stall
will be greatly appreciated. All welcome.
Next month's will be hosted by Richard
and Jacki Phipps on Saturday 8 th May at 10.30am.
Dawn Chorus Walk - Ken Shrimpton
Felmersham and Radwell P3 Group are organising, within the parish, a Dawn
Chorus Walk. Most of us will have heard the dawn chorus from our beds but
here is an opportunity to hear it in the company of the P3 Group led by an
expert in bird song recognition.
The event will be held either on
Saturday 8 or 15 May. Time, date and details will be published in next
months Ouse News. The cost will be £3 per person, which will include
coffee and barbecue "breakfast" afterwards. The event is for Felmersham
and Radwell residents only.
Bedfordshire Parish Paths Partnership
(known as P3) is a partnership between Beds County Council and the local
Parish Councils. The purpose of the partnership is to promote the
enjoyment of the countryside through the active involvement of local
parish groups. Felmersham and Radwell P3 Group consists of 12 members and
is led by Carol Stork (Tel: 782769) New members are always welcome
Mill Theatre, Sharnbrook - Theo Gibbs
CABARET - Kander & Ebb's Smash Hit Musical: Friday 14th - Saturday 22nd
May. The tumult of 1930s Berlin brought to you via the glitz and glamour
of the Kit Kat Club. Memorable songs include `Wilkommen', 'Don't tell
`Mama', 'Money', 'Tomorrow belongs to me', and the famous title number
'Cabaret'. Don't miss this exciting and thought provoking show. Tickets
available from: The Village Trader, Sharnbrook, your local booking point;
*Central Box Office, Bedford 01234 269519; '`The Castle, Wellingborough,
01933 270007; (*Credit/Debit cards accepted.) Party Bookings: Please
phone: Alison Bean 781372 10% discount on 10 or more, excl. Charity
PLANT SALE Saturday 17th April 12 noon
At least 13 Professional Stalls (Specialised Nurseries from around East
Midlands etc.)
Clematis, Unusual Perennials, Shrubs, Auriculars, Alpines and Grasses etc.
Refreshments available Entrance £1.50 (ample parking)
Parish Plan - Parish Council
About 50 people attended a public meeting on 25th February to find out
about Parish Plans and discuss the possibility of producing one for
Felmersham & Radwell. They heard that this scheme differs from previous
parish appraisals in that its purpose is not just to talk about desired
changes and improvements but to get on and implement them. Funding is
available to ensure that the whole parish is consulted and all views are
taken into consideration before it is produced.
At the next meeting a Steering Committee
will be to formed which will take the project forward to applying for a
grant. That grant will then be used to move on to a consultation phase and
through to completion of the Parish Plan. This might take about a year but
hopefully soon after this the implementation of the various individual
plans begins.
If you did not attend the last meeting
but are still interested in the idea then please look on
www.felmersham.net website for details of the presentation.
Alternatively contact Peter Hartop, Mike Thomas, Maggie Spoor or Chris
Poulter who will be happy to provide more information. If you want to
actively participate then please call Peter Hartop on 782165 to discuss
this further.
The Ruth Rankin Memorial Sunflower
Competition - Candace Rankin
March 12 saw the opening of this year's Sunflower Competition and we would
like to remind everyone that Entrance Forms and Starter Packs are still
much available until 16 April. We especially welcome the Radwell folks as
they were underrepresented in last year's event.
You will note that I have taken the
sentimental liberty of naming this year's competition in memory of our
dear old cat that died peacefully on 28 Feb. As you regular readers will
know, Ruth participated in her own unique style each year, which usually
got her disqualified on some basis of misbehaviour or cheating. But she
was also her happiest self sitting in the greenhouse with me for hours
watching me potter and pot up compost for the competition; we had many a
philosophical discussion together in the greenhouse.
We used to comment on the fact that some
times the puniest, sickest little spring seedlings ended up tougher than
the earlier robust ones, or how important it was to keep imagining how
fabulous a plant would eventually look like even when the seed seemed like
it would never germinate; or how the beauty of the pasture behind Adina
never failed to entrance us in early morning sunlight.
In today's busy world, it is often your
cat that you share your deepest thoughts with, and dear old Ruth, age 18,
has held many a family member's sorrows, joys, celebrations, and
contemplations. She always was excited to know how many folks were signing
up for the Competition each year, so in her memory please stop by soon and
get your pack - a heavenly meow can be heard as you carry away your seeds.
Community Care - Michael
The Link-Up Scheme comes to Felmersham and Radwell. This is an initiative
that aims to help the more elderly and vulnerable members of the Parish by
fitting door chains, door viewers and other home security devices to
enhance the safety of their homes. When these safety devices have been
fitted, information and advice is given on avoiding distraction burglaries
and bogus callers.
The Bedford Police Partnership Trust's
'Bobby Scheme', have been extremely supportive with the project and have
given training to the Link Up volunteers, of which The Felmersham &
Radwell Community Care are members. The Bobby Scheme, Link Up Scheme, and
ourselves are working together to provide a complementary service for our
All our Volunteers are fully insured by
the Care Scheme insurance policy, and have been CRB checked and carry
identity cards.
If you would like to have further
information regarding this scheme, which is free of any charges, please
contact us on 07693 225875 and leave your message with the operator, who
will pass your request on to our Duty Officer. They will let you know the
name of the Link Up Volunteer who will be calling you to arrange an
appropriate time to visit.
Felmersham & Radwell Brownies -
Pat Keeble
This year Brownies all over the country are celebrating 90 years since
formation. The local pack will be joining other packs in Ouse Meadows
District in a Barbecue and Sing Song evening in June.
Recently we have achieved the Surprise
Yourself Challenge by planting a tree within the village confines and
getting mentioned on the B.B.C. Look East weather map for a Thinking Day
greeting to all Brownies in East Anglia.
Last term all Brownies earned their Toy
Makers badge by making an Owl Puppet, a Mobile made from things that you
would throw away and a soft toy Whale.
We are planning to get together in
September with other Brownies from the District for a Circus Workshop.
The unit is thriving and up to full
capacity with a small waiting list, as we now take girls from Carlton &
Harrold due to their units closing.
As you can see we are a very busy unit
and are always looking for adults to help with running the pack. Anyone
who would like to bring a new skill to teach for an interest badge or test
a badge, or maybe join us during one our pack meetings should ring me on
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